Attila Neméth Represents Hungary at the Interflora World Cup 2023 in Manchester

He loves many flowers, but the dearest one to him is the 'King Protea'.

By: THURSD. | 30-08-2023 | 4 min read
Floral Events Flowers
Attila Neméth Represents Hungary at the Interflora World Cup 2023

The Interflora World Cup will be held from September 7th to 9th. The competition, founded in 1972, takes place every four to six years in different major cities around the world. The last two editions were held in Berlin in 2015 and Philadelphia in 2019, and this one will be held in Manchester.

In addition to the public competition and the impressive flower exhibition, there will also be workshops, demonstrations, craft stands, creative zones, live music, entertainment programs, and gala dinners. Attila Neméth is one of twenty contestants and he will represent his country Hungary.

Meet the World Cup Competitor for Hungary - Attila Neméth

Attila Neméth's career started 25 years ago. He studied ornamental plant gardening at the Magyar Gyula Vocational School in Budapest. He had these amazing teachers whom he's still grateful for: he was introduced to the world of competitions early on.


Attila Neméth Represents Hungary at the Interflora World Cup
Attila Neméth from Hungary


In 1997 Neméth entered his first contest, Floralia, where he could let his imagination soar. Thanks to the work of Kata Imre, he developed admiration and even devotion towards discipline. Kate's unique material use and surprising style captivated Attila. His time working with her has had a large impact on his work to this day. Her worldview towards plants and love for flowers affected Attila Neméth in a positive way.


"I enjoy experimenting with different materials and textures, but in a way that puts the emphasis on the true beauty of plants and flowers. For my designs, my goal is to use materials that align with a sustainable environment. I find mentoring and aiding the next generation of florists a very crucial part of our job. I am very proud of my students who gained immense disciplinary knowledge and are able to succeed in this wonderful profession."

Interesting Facts 

What flower is his favorite?

He loves many flowers, but the dearest one to him is the 'King Protea'. He visited South Africa, where he was able to see it in its native environment. That touched him. One of the reasons why he wants to have the most exceptional flowers in his boutique.


Attila Nemeth With His Favorite Flower King Protea
Neméth with the Protea Cynaroides, a.k.a. 'King Protea' 


Any Celebrities He Worked For?

There are many movie and music video productions in Hungary, which have given him the opportunity to work with Melissa McCarthy, Cate Blanchett, and Depeche Mode to name a few.

Is This His First Competition?

Attila Neméth has participated in many different competitions, and with success. He mostly placed first or second.


Attila Neméth Represents Hungary at the Interflora World Cup 2023


Career Highlights

Doing the flower arrangements for the Hungarian Opera Ball twice in a row is one of the achievements he is most proud of.  It was an amazing result of intense planning and teamwork.

Attila Neméth adds:

"And I have to say, my flower boutique, which after a lot of hard work found its final place, and is only possible with the continuous support of my wonderful customers throughout the years."

Hobbies and Interests

Music, fashion, traveling, and attending exhibitions are the things that inspire him.

Hungarian Attila Nemeth Competitor for Interflora World Cup Loves Special Materials


What Inspires Attila Neméth?

He adores contemporary art and takes inspiration from many of my florist colleagues. Travels also inspire him: different experiences, scents, and colors, Attila brings back in his work.


"I enjoy experimenting with different materials and textures, but in a way that puts the emphasis on the true beauty of plants and flowers. I consider myself a sensitive person, I find that even the smallest shimmers of the world that surrounds us affect and inspire me." 


Are You Curious About the Competition Tasks?

On the first day, they will have 2 competition tasks, the first of which is: 'The leaves of our forests'. They can prepare with a pre-made installation. Its size is a maximum of 2 by 2 meters and it must be a work that can be hung. The installation cannot contain cut flowers, they will have to place them in their work during the available time.

The second task will be a surprise task that all competitors will receive on the spot and they will be able to prepare it in a given time. It's going to be quite an exciting start and it's only the first day!



There will be very exciting competition tasks on the second day of the World Cup.
The third task is inspired by the waves of the oceans, each contestant has to create a table decoration with a place setting for two people.

On this day, there will be a competition theme, which is nothing more than an alternative wedding decoration. It is important that it can be worn on the wrist and forearm, and the clouds are a source of inspiration!



Attila Neméth: 

"I can only hope that I will have to prepare for the last two tasks of the World Cup.
On the third day, both tasks will be a surprise, so they will only be revealed on the spot, for those who are among the top ten in the first round and among the top 5 competitors in the second round. Wish me luck!"


Task Five Interflora World Cup Floristry 2023


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