Benefits of Nature Passes on Ideas About Hortifootprint

Donation to Link to Progress after the foundation is closed

By: THURSD. | 10-05-2021 | 1 min read

The Benefits of Nature Foundation (BON) has been a fanatic driver of sustainability in the greenhouse horticulture sector for over four years. Partly because of its role, the Horti Footprint has been developed: a method for companies to calculate their footprint. This makes sustainability measurable, comparable, and more importantly: steps are being taken to improve it.


Benefits of Nature Passes on Ideas About Hortifootprint to Link to Progress

The Footprint's Important Role

Developments in the sector continue and there are many initiatives to reduce the use of raw materials and energy and to work more efficiently together. It is clear that the footprint is playing an increasingly important role here. Banks ask for proof of sustainability, the Royal FloraHolland cooperative expects sustainability efforts from its members. The world continues!


Benefits of Nature Passes on Ideas About Hortifootprint to Link to Progress


Donation to Link to Progress

After closing the accounts, there was a sum that Benefits of Nature now donates to Link to Progress. Board member Carlo van den Berg himself visited the projects in Uganda. Here he saw how the construction of water wells further helps entire communities and also provides education. Link to Progress is an organization in which the Benefits of Nature board has confidence, and they are pleased that it actually offers help for a major problem: safe and clean drinking water.


Benefits of Nature Passes on Ideas About Hortifootprint to Link to Progress


Royal Lemkes

Founding Father Royal Lemkes has taken over the Benefits of Nature website, and they want to show good sustainable initiatives. This means that the name Benefits of Nature will continue to exist. Partly thanks to the gift from Royal Lemkes, the former foundation can make this donation to Link to Progress. The former board members remain committed to making the sector more sustainable in various areas!


Benefits of Nature Passes on Ideas About Hortifootprint to Link to Progress


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