Wednesdays in the floral industry are among the days when trade is a bit lower, so a perfect moment to drive to the Dutch town of Luttelgeest to visit one of the most forward growers of Alstroemeria cut flowers. It was not a surprise since it has been buzzing around for already a few months, but it is really true: On this Open Day Tesselaar introduces its new product group of colorful stocks, botanically known as Matthiola.
Karolien Tesselaar herself, for many known as ‘Miss Alstroemeria’ proudly shows the two hectares of greenhouse that are filled with these new fluffy flowers. So, is a new title coming up soon? Or give the credit to her husband Rick this time, becoming ‘Mister Matthiola’. Karolien, always in a good mood, laughs out loud. But seriously, to be known as the specialist and ambassador of a niche cut flower, helping to increase its popularity, is a job that fits the people at nursery Tesselaar Alstroemeria.
Pioneering With Matthiola
It will be an interesting year for this renowned Alstroemeria nursery to also grow a very different product like stocks. Karolien is aware they are really pioneering in this field when she says:
“Matthiolas are a completely different crop than we have always known. An Alstroemeria is a plant that we harvest from over many years, while a Matthiola plant is only harvested once. Every 10 to 12 weeks a stem is harvested with the roots and new roots are then planted. At the end of 2024, we started planting stocks, which means this year we have to learn a lot about how that works, what are the ideal conditions to get the size florists want, which starts at 55cm.”

Another big difference between the two crops is immediately noticeable when you walk into the greenhouse: the smell. The sweet scent of the Matthiolas curls up your nose, like walking into a luxurious perfume store. It must be a delight working at Tesselaar, having that wonderful fragrance around you.

The Four Concepts of Alstroemeria
Although the Open Day was a very important moment to present the new product line, the visitors surely could not get around being awed at the tremendous assortment of Alstroemerias, since more than thirty years the focal product of this nursery. Karolien and the rest of the team have been busy differentiating the assortment into four concepts, or categories if you like. These categories do not depend on the varieties themselves, but rather on the presentation of the cut flowers. Alstroemerias are ideal flowers to harvest both raw and ripe. Traders often want the flowers more in a raw stage, for transportation efficiency reasons. However, as a matter of fact, cutting a bit riper gives the best quality and lifespan of an alstro, since the product has then received more time on the plant to strengthen. Not many people realize this, so now you know…

That’s one of the main reasons Tesselaar Alstroemeria has recently invented its four concepts: Alstro Special, Alstro Lux, Alstro Elegance, and Alstro Nature, fitting to your purposes and occasions. If you’d like to learn what’s your Alstro concept, read ‘Experience a Touch of Luxury and Quality of Tesselaar Alstroemeria’ and Laura Drahici's inspiring blog ‘Designing With the 4 Categories of Alstroemeria’.

Demos by Franka Roenhorst
One of the highlights of the Open Day was the presence of the Dutch Champion in Floral Art Franka Roenhorst. She is to represent the Netherlands during the upcoming World Cup Floral Art 2025 in August.

Franka is withdrawing bit by bit from public performances to get into the focus of this global spectacle, where the big names of the world of floristry will compete for the title of World Champion. She has almost completed the team around her that will assist her in performing optimally on the biggest stage of floriculture. Being a friend of Tesselaar and lover of alstros, naturally, she appears at this Open Day on a more modest stage to show her masterly skills.

The Prospects of 2025
Tesselaar Alstroemeria has been looking forward very much to this year. Not only to see how their four Alstro concepts will conquer the market but also to get the hang of the Matthiola cultivation. And who knows what’s next now this new path has been taken… Could we expect more summer flowers from Tesselaar? For the moment Karolien keeps her mouth shut, but one thing is for sure: the future is wide open.

The header image shows Matthiola Aida White. Photography by Lieke Alblas from Photosynth, courtesy of Tesselaar Alstroemeria.