Always wondered how chrysanthemums are grown, and how specific and detailed the growth of this cut flower is scheduled? When learning about these details you can only be amazed about how professional the large-scale growing of chrysanthemums takes place. And how the Pina Colada varieties are a safe bet for the growers, especially regarding this topic.
The Way Chrysanthemums Grow
Chrysanthemum growing is a completely different way of growing than for example the way roses and gerberas are grown. These two, once planted, can produce flowers from the same plant for a couple of years. Chrysanthemum growing is completely different. In, on average ten weeks after planting, they are ready to be harvested. And must be harvested. Scheduling and planning are really important with growing chrysanthemums.

Chrysanthemum Growers Need to Schedule the Harvests
Because of the short production time, it is imperative that a grower exactly knows when the flowers will be ready to be harvested. Unlike the steady production and harvesting of roses and gerberas, the chrysanthemums that have been planted at a certain time, are all ready at the same time. This brings many advantages because a grower can schedule the harvest at a specific time to profit the most from higher expected demand. Due to special flower days, for example.

Being Late Can Be Disastrous
Being ready just before Mother's Day or International Women's Day (which are big chrysanthemum days) can make a lot of extra money. The higher demand (and higher prices) can be there on a Monday, and not the next day on a Tuesday, because of transport reasons. So being late just a couple of days can be disastrous.
Chrysanthemums Can Go into a Vegetative State When It Is Too Hot
Each greenhouse is compartmentalized into different areas with many beds. And in each compartment chrysanthemums, young plants, are planted at the same time. Due to external atmospherical influences, it can be more humid, or hotter, in the greenhouse. What you do not want is that the chrysanthemums are growing slower and are ready later than expected. You don't want any delay before Women's Day! Even though when this day is still many, many weeks ahead. Because you know you have to have empty beds before planting the next round that has got to be ready before a certain date.
Some chrysanthemum varieties can take up to five days of longer growing, when the circumstances are not optimal, such as excessively hot outdoor temperatures. Something that cannot be compensated within the greenhouse. Hotter temperatures often make chrysanthemums go in a vegetative state instead of a flowering state and create delays you don't want. Five extra days doesn't sound like a lot, but with a production time of nine to ten weeks, it is a large percentage. And perhaps having this two times in a row, you are talking about ten days of delay for a single compartment within the greenhouse.
The Ultimate Easy-to-Plan-Chrysanthemum
This going into a vegetative state is something that the Pina Colada chrysanthemums don't have. When circumstances are not optimal, and where other varieties are experiencing delays, Pina Colada is a steady and safe choice, with maybe a delay of only one day. The ultimate easy-to-plan chrysanthemum.