Floral Interview With Kristen Caissie From Moon Canyon

To embark on a fresh adventure, create a mood, craft a tale, celebrate beauty, and embrace the senses: "I'm totally at the whim of nature."

By: THURSD. | 21-09-2021 | 3 min read
Floral Designs Interviews

Kristen Caissie is the force behind Moon Canyon, a floral design studio based in Silverlake, Los Angeles. Moon Canyon creates the arrangements that elevate the Echo Park Craft Fair every year with its fresh, elegant, and wild feel. They also have fresh arrangements and potted flowers available for sale at every fair.

Telling Stories

Moon Canyon tells stories with its work and views every new job as an opportunity to embark on a fresh adventure, create a mood, craft a tale, celebrate beauty, and embrace the senses. Kristen Cassie from Moon Canyon quote

Describe the path that led you to the work you do now. Did you take any big risks to get where you are?

"When I was in college in Boston I answered a newspaper ad for part-time flower shop help. I can remember my interview clear as a day and I feel as though I knew that I had found something in this job that would really satisfy something inside. I got to work with an amazing floral designer who was young and really at the top of her game. I realized quickly that I loved the industry as a whole. The flower market, daily flower shop work, and the stress of high-end event work. It all fit!
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With Moon Canyon, I took huge risks both financially and in my relationships. Not everyone wants you to quit a full-time job with security to start a floral business from the ground up. Rachel Craven was actually one of my very first major supporters. One day I cold-called her asking her to lend me some of her beautiful linens for a shoot and she said “Let’s do trade!” And gave me an opportunity to flower several tablescapes at her Heath Ceramics launch of her linen line. I met so many amazing people there and really that’s when it all began!"
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Do you have a daily working routine? Can you describe it?

"Yes and no. I would say half the time I am up and at the flower market very early hunting for pretty flowers. The other half of the time I stay home with my son Henry. That is the luxury of being an event florist. You know your schedule and have some downtime to be home and raise a family. Don’t get me wrong I work every day and most weekends. But as for a daily routine, it just doesn’t exist! One day when the kiddos are grown up a bit more I’d love to have a routine. It definitely suits me."
Kristen Caissie from Moon Canyon Interview
"Ok Leo season. I see you and love you. 🌞✨🌞."

How is your work inspired by or influenced by nature and your surroundings?

"I'm totally at the whim of nature. My whole creative expression revolves around the seasons, what’s available to work with, and how long these materials last. I am inspired by the temporal nature of flowers. I like that what I create doesn’t last forever. I do not have to be surrounded by all my work. It comes and goes very quickly and I am on to the next. This is a huge function of what I do. I love that the seasons dictate what is available material-wise for me to create with. It keeps me limited but at the same time forever replenished."
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All images by Moon Canyon.

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