Manifest by Nicu Bocancea, Countdown to Flower Day

Nicu celebrates life and flowers

By: THURSD. | 20-05-2021 | 9 min read
14 Episodes as Countdown to Flower Day: Florariairis celebrates flowers with gratitude and passion every day. Today, more than yesterday and less than tomorrow. They enjoy life, nature, flowers, people, love, and love of life! Let nature beautify our lives, and let the flowers pamper us with the stories they tell through petals, colors, and history.

A Countdown With 14 Designs

Florariairis celebrates flowers with gratitude and passion every day. Today, more than yesterday and less than tomorrow. They enjoy life and love of life

12 April

Flowers are the meaning of our life, we work with them, we live surrounded by them, we give them in the most beautiful arrangements or ways to bring and receive happiness back. There are among us "flowers" with names, people who have been given flower names and, thinking of them, their holiday and their flowers, we call them "happy birthday" as we know better and more naturally: through flowers. Every day from the 14th until the Feast of Flowers we dedicate it to a flower that has generously offered its name, delicacy, human history. Episode 1 of the urban manifesto made of flowers is dedicated to the daffodil. Narcissus is as if detached from the sun, delicate, fragrant, proud, and convinced that her golden mission is to share the beauty and collect smiles. @florariairis arranged hundreds of daffodils in coffee cups and let them make the most beautiful declaration of love for those who bear their name and for the sensitive souls who love flowers. The heart of the city is yellow today and beats beautiful and fresh nature.

13 April

Some things are hard to build and go through many elaborate stages to be appreciated and others are simply PERFECT in themselves, without any artifice. The elegant red camellia with coral accents, together with its bud, conquer through its strong and pure beauty. Supported by an old and friendly stump, looking wisely towards the lake, Camelia became the fragile but important main character in the Botanical Garden of Bucharest. Camellias, ladies, flowers, thank you and we love you! # floraridin1970

14 April

Daisy, a beautiful flower detached as if from the sun, with petals-rays and a golden soul, calls the Romanians to a second of respite and contemplation of the beauty of life. @florariairis dressed a chair in hundreds of daisies to invite passers-by in a second of beauty, nature, pure sensitivity, sun with petals. Sit quietly on the floral chair at the entrance to Cosmigiu Park, smile at those around you, and dream beautifully! Let's love the flowers and those who bear their name! # floraridin1970 #echiparacheta #vinFloriile #floriledaunumele #florilesuntfericire P.S. because daisies are not in season, we played with “Reagan” chrysanthemums .. being the most similar 😊

15 April

Sanzienas, perennial flowers with small golden petals, and discreet fragrance bring with their splendor and delicacy countless legends, myths, and stories about their magical powers and their therapeutic effects on people. The florists from @florariairis #echiparacheta carefully braided wreaths of fresh sandals that they hung on the branches of a tree in the center of Bucharest to share the magic with passers-by. How good it would be to believe in the power of beauty and nature, in the power of flowers to transform the Earth into a better world, with happier people! Sanzians, flowers, ladies, we believe in your magical beauty and we love you! # floraridin1970

16 April

"I'm coming home, baby" !, seems to say the motorcyclist with a hard appearance, but with the soul of a knight who carries on his horses a whole collection of hydrangeas, in the TOP 3 most beloved flowers by women in Romania. 500 strands of white, pink, and pale varnish hydrangea, the skill of @florariairis florists, and a powerful motor were needed to create the perfect inspiration for husbands, lovers, or sons who want to impress their ladies at home. If you see the motorcycle with hydrangeas in Bucharest traffic, smile, take the example, and enter the first flower shop on the way home. Choose hydrangea or whatever inspires you. They will love you, as we love hydrangeas, flowers, ladies! # floraridin1970 Flowers: @florariairis @cosmin_avramita @ovidiuvoc @ mariaa_09876 #echiparacheta Photo: @dragosborcanea @dstudiophotography @ducuion Model: @ioana__bla @raduitu

17 April

It seems that roses are meant to stop time with their imposing beauty and bring smiles at first sight. They have a hidden talent between the petals to conquer any lady or young lady on the spot. @florariairis decided to test the proverbial qualities of roses and they prepared with their souls a round bouquet, made of delicate roses, to find the person to make THE PLACE happy. It wasn't right there, it was on the way, on the bike :) The roses found their warm and affectionate bed in the basket of a bicycle and in the soul of the girl who was stopped from the road by a beautiful gesture and a beautiful bouquet. Thank you, roses, for the beauty and the incomparably gorgeous presence in our lives. # floraridin1970

18 April

Anemone, a lucky flower, nicknamed the Easter Flower, a symbol of the Resurrection and purification, seems to carry an entire universe in its seemingly fragile beauty. You look at her and there is silence around you, you listen to her story and nothing else exists. The @florariairis florists put together, in a distinguished arrangement, a few pure white anemones and took them to the courtyard of the Stavropoleus Monastery, where the soul is comforted and the peace is holy on a calm Sunday. Have a serene Sunday and enjoy all the beauty around you, people, peace, flowers! # floraridin1970

19 April

In the spring, everything smiles. From the grass to the tops of the trees, nature celebrates the appearance of the sun's rays. Of all the riches of nature, they, the branches of fruit trees, have the most beautiful "spokesman" through which they announce future fruits: soft flowers. @Florariairis florists braided rich branches in the perfect shape of a circle with a diameter of 2 meters and let it reflect its beauty and abundance in the mirror of water in Bucharest. Many smiles and photos gathered the twig looking in the mirror and much love and appreciation from us for her, and for all the twigs on Earth! # floraridin1970 #lamultiani #Crenguta

20 April

You see them and you can't forget them! Delicate, beautiful, contoured and so magically colored, violets symbolize the renewal brought by spring and the triumph of love. Blooming in the shade of trees, violets are stronger than them, because they have the sun in their middle. Iris Florist has created a complex chandelier-shaped construction in which violets are light. The rest is admiration. Ours, yours, the whole world. We love and admire you immensely, violets, flowers, ladies! # floraridin1970 #echiparacheta #lamultiani Violeta!

21 April

We get upset in the rain for not stopping, we get upset in the sun for not breaking, we get upset for not smiling more, but we can never get upset about them, about flowers. They wear raindrops with joy, greet a gray day with beauty, and emanate positive energy in the hope that they will receive a smile in return. @florariairis relied on the imposing lilies to symbolically bring the sun on a rainy day. Disciplined in a perfect arrangement to let the raindrops slide smoothly on their large petals, with their tails wrapped affectionately around a hook, lilies look good, with their charming royal attitude, the smiles and appreciations of the inhabitants of a block of flats in the Old Center of Bucharest. How can you not love her, the flower whose mission is to bring the sun?

22 April

We look at them, and immediately our sense of smell is activated, we prepare to feel that unique scent that we would like to carry with us at every step. The small, white, and delicate jasmine flowers never appear alone, but next to a sea of green and a vault of perfume. @florariairis built a universe of jasmine flowers and they placed it at random on the table of a terrace in Bucharest to enjoy all the senses of its guests. We received as gift amazement and smiles, just as jasmine receives love and appreciation from us every day! Thank you for the delicacy and fragrance, Jasmin❤️! # floraridin1970

23 April

They are so precious, fragrant, distinguished, and small that we would like to wear them as the most precious jewelry. We never find a vase beautiful enough to host them and honor their presence enough. @florariairis tried to find the right place for them. Directly on the skin, adorning various jewelry of the hand, finger, ears, or neck. They are the Daisies, irresistible, noble, wonderful, and everything that starts from them - thoughts, sensations, ornaments, jewelry, names - is magical! You are supreme, tears, flowers, ladies, we love you!

24 April

She generously gave us her name and reputation, showed us in the softest way that any color could "wear" its petals, and confirms to us every day that her name brings luck because she does not come alone, but brings with her a history, a story, an image, a passion, energy, a dream. She is the "Goddess of the Sun", the Iris flower, to which @florariairis dedicated a creative urban construction in the middle of a pedestrian street in Bucharest to be admired, sniffed, and caressed by passers-by and the soft and golden rays of spring. Thank you, Iris, for being, for being! We promise to always take you on the most beautiful and inspired path to the souls of people around the world! # floraridin1970

25 April, Flower Day has come

There is nothing more beautiful on Earth than them, the flowers, and no people luckier than us, those who work among them and with them every day! Happy birthday, flowers, ladies, you fill and beautify our lives and we want you to be sure that we try to thank you every day for the miracles you bring us! Every space is enlivened if there is nature around, every table is cheered by flowers if they find their place among food and emotional conversations, every person is happy and smiling if he surrounds himself with what he loves. @florariairis celebrates flowers with gratitude and passion every day. Today, more than yesterday and less than tomorrow, we are preparing a dream space that breathes beauty, desire, color, and perfume for us and those we love and want with us. Let's enjoy life, nature, flowers, people, love, and love of life! Let nature beautify our lives, and let the flowers pamper us with the stories they tell through petals, colors, and history. Flower by flower The earth smiles at the Sun and life! Happy birthday, we love you, and thank you!


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