The company Mikafolia is based in Tours (at a distance of a 2-hour drive from Paris). It’s a central location, well suited for the core business of this company which addresses florists and trainers coming from all across France.
Internet and Social Networks
Mikafolia's customers are French florists who are operating in several premises such as shops, grand hotels, or garden centers. They can be business leaders, entrepreneurs, independents or simply employees. Mikafolia's offer addresses also different florist generations but all have a common point: how they use the internet and social networks. Besides that, Mikafolia also offers B2B training videos (professionals tutorials) for florists. Those tutorials realized by trainers, present floral techniques whatever the level of the florist.
No Diplomas or Certifications Needed to Run a Flower Business in France
In France, florists don’t need diplomas or specific certificates to establish their own business. Thus, we can find a clear majority of them coming out of other industries. Most of them are excellent professionals but need frequently to update their knowledge to acquire new skills, review the basics, reinforce their offer, and remain effective and competitive towards mass distribution and garden centers. In 2017, the owner of Mikafolia, Mikala Forcellini, led a market study concerning the flower market in France. In less than seven years, purchases on the Internet have been multiplied by ten. She discovered florists had to change the way they practice their activity. Even if they practice a craft tradition, they must adapt themselves to the new consumption behavior of their customers, and for that, there is no choice: they must “go out” of their shops and be more present on the internet if they want to make their know-how better known to their customers.

Remote Schooling
Due to the Covid-19 Pandemic, remote schooling for professional development is a real and disruptive new concept in floriculture. Mikafolia has been built on listening to the florists' needs and their expectations. If florists have no time to go to training sessions, Mikafolia will bring it at home, directly through the screens of their laptops, PC, tablets, or smartphones. Mikafolia defined partnerships with the existing training organisms and also planned to propose to foreign trainers to join the project. The world has changed, and the COVID-19 crisis maybe represents a unique opportunity for us to be in line with this new world.
Advantages for Florists with Mikafolia
Mikafolia provides training solutions directly from home, unlike traditional training, Mikafolia's solution presents some advantages for florists: 1. They don’t need to close their shop to participate physically at a training session; 2. They have not to organize the closure of their stores or replacement during vacation; 3. No turnover loses; 4. No additional costs to engage (hotels, catering, transport, etc.); 5. Can watch training videos in their spare time; 6. No disruption of their family life; 7. Can increase competencies at low costs.
La Circle Mikafolia
There's also a nice Facebook Group with subjects which concern florists. The group offers challenges, debates, and sometimes to respond to challenges in #onselâcheàlafindelajournée mode. Which translates as the silly mode you are in at the end of the day. You can visit the French group 'The circle of Mikafolia' here: La Circle Mikafolia on Facebook For more info, go to Mikafolia.com Mikala Forcellini