The arrival of Petunia Bee’s Knees marks a new yellow. Breeders Florensis (Europe) and Ball (US) collaborate to make this intensely shining cutting-edge outdoor plant a worldwide success. It is the bee's knees all the way!
The Intense Yellow Petunia
There is a new yellow in town! Bee’s Knees brings the new standard yellow to the market, together with the best performance! This variety has an intense yellow with outstanding long-term rain tolerance and garden performance.
Did you know that yellow stimulates your senses? Find out what Bee’s Knees has to offer.
Can you find the real yellow? The picture is taken in week 17, 2022 at the Florensis Pack Trials in Hendrik-Ido-Ambacht, Netherlands.

More Vigor
Petunia Bee’s Knees has a bit more vigor and it fits the Petunia Viva range perfectly, being suitable for 12 cm pots, containers, and baskets. Besides, it mixes perfectly with other crops like verbena and calibrachoa. Our buddy Salvia Mysty makes the mix combination a must-have for every retail display.
Bee’s Knees… What?
Bee’s Knees comes from an American expression. If something is said to be 'the bee's knees' it is 'excellent - the highest quality'. It is simply the best yellow Petunia there is! It survives both heavy rains as well as warm sunlight and keeps its yellow color all summer long. Let's create a customized yellow trolley to get into a good mood!

The picture is taken in week 17, 2022 at the Florensis Pack Trials in Hendrik-Ido-Ambacht, Netherlands
The Bee's Knees USPs
There are many perfect reasons to get your hands on these new arrivals. These are the top three reasons, according to Florensis:
• Bee's Knees are the best intense yellow Petunia
• They are suitable for bigger pots and baskets
• The plants resist heavy rains and warm sunlight