
Mayesh Wholesale - Los Angeles Flower Market

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About Mayesh Wholesale - Los Angeles Flower Market

At Mayesh Wholesale - Los Angeles Flower Market, we pride ourselves on being a leading distributor in the wholesale flower industry by providing beautiful and unique flowers to many of the country’s top wedding and event florists and offering exceptional customer service. Mayesh is a dynamic and growing company, currently employing 400 people across 19 branches in ten states, but services the entire country from its distribution centers in Los Angeles and Miami. While the official story of Mayesh Wholesale started in 1978, the story behind the family began much earlier. Roy & Gerrie Dahlson raised their nine children in the flower business starting in the late sixties, when Roy took a job on the LA Flower Market after trying his hand at other business endeavors. CEO Pat Dahlson remembers 3am drives in their old truck, riding shotgun next to his dad on their way to the Downtown LA Flower Market when he was just seven years old. He described himself as a “little hustler from the beginning, pushing carts and making a few tips here and there.” The Dahlsons purchased a few flower shops in the early seventies, appointing their oldest children to work in the stores making flower arrangements and local deliveries. Roy also got a job with Jack Mayesh Wholesale at that time, selling flowers until he finally bought the company, opening its new doors on October 1st, 1978. As more family members joined the business and the company grew, what started out as a three-man operation slowly developed into the business it is today, with nearly 20 branches nationwide. In the eighties, Mayesh became one of the first importers from Colombia on the west coast and was the first to import directly from Holland. From then on, Pat had a vision for the company to stand out from the other vendors and take a different path, focusing on high-end, boutique flowers and sourcing the most unusual product from around the world. If you ask Pat to describe our commitment to this vision, he’ll tell you that “the first flower to be grown in outer space will be on Mayesh’s floor, guaranteed.” While continuing to make its mark in the industry, Mayesh Wholesale - Los Angeles Flower Market has recently undergone a re-brand, launched the most user-friendly wholesale floral website on the market, and is easily the most visible due to their prominent presence on social media with a goal of helping to educate their community.


Mayesh Wholesale - Los Angeles Flower Market location

Mayesh Wholesale - Los Angeles Flower Market Los Angeles Flower Market, Wall Street, Los Angeles, CA, USA

Products Mayesh Wholesale - Los Angeles Flower Market has access to these products
Growers Growers connected to Mayesh Wholesale - Los Angeles Flower Market
Florists Florists connected to Mayesh Wholesale - Los Angeles Flower Market

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