If you've never heard of or seen poinsettia, you're behind in your Christmas game for the year. They are undoubtedly the signatory that the blithest and most high-spirited holiday for many is just around the corner, and in fact, Christmas is just a few weeks away. This is your lucky day because here are all the details you need to know about poinsettias.
Poinsettia - Aka The Christmas Star Plant
Before splurging all the X-Mas fun involving poinsettia plants, let's do a little background check and learn a little about their origin and history. Poinsettias are part of the Euphorbiaceae or Spurge family. Botanically, the plant is known as Euphorbia pulcherrima. So, who discovered the wonderful poinsettia plant? Joel Roberts Poinsett introduced the poinsettia plant to the United States from Mexico. Poinsett was a botanist, physician, and the first United States Ambassador to Mexico. Thanks to him, poinsettias are enjoyed worldwide, especially when the Christmas season strikes.
In Mexico, the poinsettia is a perennial shrub that will grow 10-15 feet tall. Nowadays, there are more than a hundred varieties of poinsettias available today. Poinsettias come in colors like the traditional red, white, pink, burgundy, marbled and speckled, but the most popular one is of course the red color, given it ensembles one of the major X-Mas traditional colors.
Why Are Poinsettias Considered THE 'Christmas Plant'?
For all the curious minds out there wanting to know why exactly the poinsettia is considered the 'Christmas plant', the plant is otherwise called Flor de la Noche Buena (Flower of the Holy Night) due to its resemblance to the Star of Bethlehem.

The reason poinsettias became so popular is due to Paul Ecke and his inventiveness. Ecke, who lived in California, discovered a technique that caused seedlings to branch, resulting in a fuller plant. He began growing the plant in the tens of thousands for the Christmas season when other flowers were scarce.
To promote poinsettias as a Christmas plant, he sent the crimson-leaved plants to TV studios across the country, including “The Tonight Show” and Bob Hope's holiday specials. And voila! There's the formula as to why poinsettia is considered the official 'Christmas plant'.
Symbolism of Poinsettia
There is religious symbolism in the poinsettia plant given the fact the star shape represents the Star of Bethlehem, the red leaves represent the blood of Christ, and the white leaves represent the purity of Christ. Besides these important symbolisms, poinsettias, also known as the December birth flower also symbolize good cheer, and success and are said to bring wishes of mirth and celebration.

Now the real deal comes to be where you can get your red poinsettia for an awesome and significant X-Mas celebration. These are the main breeders and growers that will provide you with amazing-quality Christmas Stars!
Beekenkamp - Poinsettia Assortment
This assortment is all about meeting Beekenkamp's superstar collection. With five beautiful poinsettia superstars to choose from, they are very sought to capture immediate attention when placed around your home or even in your garden!
1. Poinsettia Blissful
The Poinsettia Blissful features perfect red-pointy-shaped leaves. This specific variety endures big-sized leaves that were made to nail your Christmas decorations or gardens.

2. Poinsettia Aries
As part of Beekenkamp's poinsettia collection, Poinsettia Aries also makes part of the succeeding range. This is a very popular choice given its incredible vase life along with its sizeable leaves.

3. Poinsettia Astro
The name says it all! This poinsettia variety was born to be a true all-star and there is no doubt she has achieved it. Slightly differing in color, this red-striking color makes the optimal match for X-Mas celebrations.

4. Poinsettia Hera
Poinsettias in general are actual show-stealers and Poinsetta Hera is here to demonstrate it. Its dense leaves along with the medium-sized bracts make this red beauty an absolute Christmas must!

Dümmen Orange - Poinsettia Assortment
The perfect poinsettia program is in the details – classics with dashing style, and novelties sparkling with charm. Color, of course, is key. You can never have too many varieties, and Dümmen Orange's poinsettia collection is more thrilling than ever.
1. Poinsettia Viking Pro
Offering a similar bract shape and color to the favorite Viking Red, Viking Pro exhibits a more compact stature in comparison. Attractive bracts contrast beautifully against the vivid yellow cyathia and dark green foliage.

2. Poinsettia Imperial
The perfect plant for the late November and early December sales window, this new standout showcases bright-red color on medium-sized bracts. Its tight V-shaped structure paired with strong branching makes it suitable for high-density production. A more vigorous grower, it fills out medium-to-large containers with ease — and can handle a later transplant than comparable varieties for the same finish time.

3. Poinsettia Prestige Red
One of Dümmen Orange's most exceptional varieties with mid-vigor and mid-season performance. The plant is extremely tough, handling dropping, sleeving, and shipping with ease. Consumers will love Prestige Red with the dark-red textured bracts on classic green foliage.

4. Poinsettia Atla
This strong, bright-red performer is a perfect pick for mass production. Atla has a strong V-shaped habit which is perfect for high-density production, and the medium-sized bracts make sleeving and shipping a breeze.

Florensis - Poinsettia Assortment
Florensis selected a compact range of Poinsettia from various breeders, to provide the finest poinsettia varieties to celebrate the Christmas holidays. In this range, you find varieties that are suitable for 6 cm, 10.5 cm, and 12-13 cm pots and varieties with different reaction times and colors.
1. Poinsettia Red Blitz
As the name is saying, Red Blitz, is a fast bright red variety with a good v-shape medium-vigorous habit and a reaction time of 7.5 weeks. A good variety when you want to cool down the last week towards Christmas.

2. Poinsettia Red Joy
Joy makes your life easy and successful. Good branching compact varieties with a 7-5 weeks reaction time. Very suitable for 6-12 cm pots. Joy needs less PGR than other varieties and is now available in three colors: red, pink, and white. Also very suitable for tri-color mixes in one pot.

3. Poinsettia Passione Red
Also one of Florensis' best-selling poinsettia is the Passione Red variety. With passion, Florensis has selected the new Passione Red with a dark red color. This variety has vigorous growth and a reaction time of 7,5 weeks. A wonderful and long-lasting choice at the same time!

4. Poinsettia Fortuna Red
Fortuna Red is a very good addition to your Christmas decor. This variety has a reaction time of 8,5 weeks, which makes it ideal for late-season sales. Plants are vigorous with strong roots and stems which grow in a V-shape. And besides, what's there not to love about the wonderful color and shape, ready to make the most out of your X-Mas adventures?

Selecta One - Poinsettia Assortment
Selecta One’s mission is to offer the highest-quality poinsettias from a reliable supply chain, where and when you need them. These are some of their best-selling poinsettias, especially when the merriest season of the year arrives.
1. Poinsettia Christmas Angel
Christmas Angel is the earliest poinsettia in the Selecta One lineup! This variety features a non-fading, deep red color. Its medium-high vigor makes Angel perfect for early, medium, and large pots. Plus, excellent cyathia retention provides the best holding of any very early poinsettia.

2. Poinsettia Christmas Aurora
Christmas Aurora is a great December goodie! Its upright, narrow habit and medium bract size are ideal for higher-density production and dependable shipping. Aurora features intense red bracts and a narrow shape that makes it easy to sleeve. This reliable, predictable poinsettia works well in 6-in. (15-cm) pots. Plus, it is early to color but late to flower – providing an outstanding shelf life at retail and long-lasting enjoyment for the consumer.
3. Poinsettia Noel Red
Noel Red is an energy-saving variety with an early finish, and it’s perfect for high-quality, larger plant formats. It features florist-quality, upright branching, and a beautiful, round habit. Certainly a X-Mas must-have!

4. Poinsettia Holly Berry
Holly Berry is a strong, holly-bracted, rounded, red novelty poinsettia. Its low vigor and superior branching make it ideal for small pots and dish gardens. Plus, Holly Berry is suitable for high-density production in smaller pots.

With all these poinsettia variety discoveries, which one are you choosing for the most exciting holiday of the year coming up? One thing is for sure, poinsettias are determined to elevate your Christmas celebration big time!