PR For Flowers in Poland
SIGMA International is are one of the oldest public relations agencies in Poland. As a PR agency in Poland, they specialize in communication and promotion of cut flowers and potted plants. For almost 20 years, Anna Małcużyńska and her team have been showing the beauty of floral arrangements, supporting the most talented florists and the best florist schools, or educating in the area of the beneficial effects of potted plants for human health and well-being. Anna shines her light on marketing in the Polish floral market in general and how she marketed Dümmen Orange's chrysant Pina Colada in particular.
Can you describe the Polish flower market?
"The import of flowers from Holland is steadily increasing. Now Poland is in 5th place among the European countries. In 2019 the flower import increased by 12%, which was the biggest jump in the top ten countries on the list. The National Flower Survey Report, conducted in spring, 2020 in Poland, by the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Warsaw, shows the Polish flower market is diverse and dynamic. (Click here to download the National Flower Survey Report PDF). We see a lot of small importers and several big leading Dutch export companies. The big wholesalers offer online platforms and deliveries of flowers to the door. This form of buying flowers is getting more and more popular. Nevertheless, the majority of florists are buying directly from the wholesalers at the wholesale markets. When it comes to flower sales trends, we see a growing demand for new species and trendy varieties of flowers. This applies to both florists and clients. In general, Poles love flowers and have many occasions for their usage: weddings, funerals, name days, birthdays, Christmas, Easter, home warming parties, etc. Polish consumers are definitely open to new flower varieties, fashionable trends, original ideas they see on the internet, or in print media and they expect to find that at their florists. Polish florists are ambitious, want to improve their professional skills, and follow international trends."

What does the product palette look like in Poland?
"The survey showed that roses still occupy first place in the sale of flowers. Then come carnations, tulips, and chrysanthemums."
What are florists in Poland looking for?
"Polish florists are very ambitious. They are improving their professional skills and follow international trends. They are continuously looking for novelties, inspiration, fashionable new styles. They are looking for flowers that are of good quality, fresh, and with long vase life. Spray chrysanthemums are getting more and more popular as they have most of the required values: are very colorful, have lots of shapes and sizes, long vase life, and are good value for money."
What are the role, position, and image of spray chrysanthemum in general in Poland?
"Spray chrysanthemums are very popular among Polish florists and clients. It is a good choice for all kinds of bouquets and floral arrangements, for fashionable decorations for various occasions and events. They are available in a wealth of sizes and colors, which gives the florists uncountable possibilities using them. In Poland the smaller spray varieties in white and pastel are very popular especially for church celebrations such as weddings, first communion, and baptism, or Easter – they are used in church decorations and in bouquets, small head decorations, corsages, and as event decorations. Chrysants can be used in elegant arrangements as well as in fashionable boho bouquets. They give the florists a thousand possibilities."
How is the chrysanthemum Pina Colada marketed in Poland?
"SIGMA International (Poland) started promoting the Pina Colada brand in January 2020. Since that time we try to communicate to florists and consumers that the Pina Colada chrysanthemum is a beautiful, cheerful, and universal flower that suits any occasion all year round. We managed to show this joyful flower on many occasions, such as: • a photoshoot of Easter arrangements done by the floristic school of Małgorzata Niska – the best Polish school for florists (February 2020) • a beautiful fashion photoshoot in the Wrocław Opera House (January 2020) - arrangements done by Master florist Maciej Krzus • a demo hosted by Anna Lamot-Bach at the Special Days trade fair in Poznan (February 2020) – showing Pina Colada in various first communion decorations • a photoshoot in a modern restaurant in Gdansk – “Rock Rose” - photoshoot/video tutorial of modern arrangements done by one of best Master florists Zygmunt Sieradzan (June 2020) • spectacular garden decorations: “Hanging Gardens of Princess Izabela”, event at Czartoryski Museum Park in Puławy led by Piotr Marzec (July 2020) • "The Magic of Flowers", event at Moszna Castle organized by Promotion of new variety "Cream", just after the Dutch promotion. First time in Poland! (August 2020) • “Flowers in Business Interiors” – a photoshoot of arrangements done by Zygmunt Sieradzan in nice office interiors (August 2020) • Flower festival organized by Kutno City – big floral arrangements in the city park (September 2020) • Christmas photoshoot, an advertorial in NDiO – floristic magazine, arrangements designed by Master florist Maciej Krzus (September 2020)"
What is the message behind the promotion of the product in Poland?
"SIGMA International (Poland) has many years of experience in flower promotion, also of chrysanthemums. The promotion of the Pina Colada brand is a natural next step. The main message behind the promotion of this brand is to prove that it is a year-round product, colorful, cheerful, and universal. For all occasions and for everyone. We cooperate with the best floristic schools, where students learn what to use Pina Colada for. We also work with the best Polish influencer florists, who show the young florists the best floristry, trends, and latest fashion. Furthermore, we successfully promote the Pina Colada brand during various industry events addressed to professionals as well as during various cultural events addressed to a wide consumer audience. In the second case, we try to develop good tastes and love for flowers among ordinary people. Photo sessions done by young talented photographers are a perfect way to promote the Pina Colada brand in Poland. Pictures from those shooting sessions appear widely on social media, print media, and color magazines."
Are all colors of Pina Colada already available in Poland?
"At the moment white and cream colors are widely available. There are some problems with the availability of cream Pina Colada on the market."
How is the product received, and perceived there?
"Polish florists appreciate its availability, quality, versatility, and flower appearance. The important thing is that it has a long vase life and can also go without water for a long time. The florists already know that they can use Pina Colada in all kinds of arrangements: starting with winter arrangements through spring and summer to warm autumn flower works."

What do florists think of the product?
"They think that it is an attractive addition to any arrangement or can be used on its own and fits any and every style. It is universal."
How do florists use Pina Colada? What kind of purpose, event, celebration, or design?
"Polish florists often use Pina Colada for various arrangements (both for large and small) and for many occasions. Florists use Pina Colada for church decorations, weddings, all kinds of event and garden decorations as well as for home decorations, and as a gift."

How do the lines run in Poland to the wholesalers, event designers, florists?
"With all our promotion activities we try to reach the whole flower chain: from the wholesaler through florists and event planners, and organizers to final consumers. Some of our plans for 2020 had to be changed due to the pandemic – more had to be moved into the internet. But from 2021, we plan to reach the trade much more – having promotional activities at the wholesale markets. To inspire both the wholesalers and the florists."
What efforts have been made to present Pina Colada to the importers, florists, designers, …?
"SIGMA International (Poland) inspires and takes part in a series of events such as flower trade fairs, shows, and demonstrations dedicated to the flower industry as well as cultural events presenting Pina Colada to a wide audience, both professionals and flower lovers, with future customers in mind. Moreover, Pina Colada is systematically present in Polish social media, press, and television."
Could you tell something about what works and what does not work promoting Pina Colada?
"We are extremely proud that the Pina Colada brand is more and more recognized in Poland which increases its attractiveness in the eyes of florists as well as customers. It is present in their minds for the whole year. As a success, I see the growing interest and usage of chrysant Pina Colada by Polish florists throughout the year. It is important to improve its availability at wholesale places and that is why we want to focus more on trade next year."
Photo credits: Anna Żbikowska, Sylwia Szymaniuk, Anna Małcużyńska, Olga Borowska, Małgorzata Rakowska, and Rafał Kawałko