Porta Nova 'Young & Wild' - The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly

It’s the return of the cowboy from the West(land)! Available for +/- 12 weeks until the end of June 2024.

By: THURSD. | 12-06-2024 | 2 min read
Now on the markets Roses
Porta Nova 'Young & Wild'

For the past four years, you’ve been able to purchase Porta Nova's 'Wild West'. These are the wild Red Naomi roses that this grower can still find in its greenhouses but don’t quite meet the 'Porta Nova' standard. They may vary slightly in bud shape, opening, and color, but they are still good in terms of vase life.

At its newest facility, Porta Nova planted in April new Red Naomi roses in one of its four greenhouses. By the end of June 2024, they’ll be harvesting their first 'Wild' roses.

Wild West 'Young & Wild'

Because the rose plants are still young, they sometimes don’t produce roses of Porta Nova quality. Some are 'Good', some are 'Bad', and some are 'Ugly'. That’s why the grower does not sell these roses under its Porta Nova brand. They also don’t correspond to the current 'Wild West' you’ve come to expect from them. Therefore, the first roses will be marketed as Wild West 'Young & Wild'.


Porta Nova Young and Wild promo on Thursd


Watch the classic 1-minute movie 'The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly' Porta Nova Wild West:


With this new crop, some of the stems are incredibly long and sturdy with huge rose buds. They sometimes take on magical shapes and colors as they open. Some already last very long up to 21 days whereas others only last 4 days. They make a beautiful gift that the growers of Porta Nova do not want to deny you and your clients. The grower states that they cannot give any guarantee on the vase life of these flowers.


Porta Nova Young and Wild red rose on Thursd
Porta Nova's Young and Wild


Porta Nova Young and Wild shoot in greenhouse
The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly at Porta Nova


The new planting is growing steadily, and the flowers are expected to be available for approximately 12 weeks starting from the end of June 2024, until production in the new greenhouse is normalized. The roses are available at auction and through direct sales. They are packaged in the special 'Wild West' packaging and can be identified by the 'Young & Wild' sticker. For companies that purchase directly at Porta Nova: They will be offered in their webshop as 'Young & Wild' under nr. 158888.



Who Wants to Join Another Exciting Adventure?

As you may know, the first stems that grow on new rose plants are often really Big Bastards. They are huge and strong because all the new energy from the roots is pumped straight into the first stems of each plant.

Since they are not yet stable, these youngsters are real rascals and can be a bit of a problem. They can have a vase-life of 4-14 days.



Porta Nova is selecting the nicest Big Bastards, especially for you. Take caution, as they will only be available for about 12 weeks while the plants settle.

So take a chance and try them now before it is too late! No Warranty!



Porta Nova Young and Wild banner


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