What is European Master Certification?

EMC is a floral educational concept and program that cannot be categorized because neither can you.

By: THURSD. | 28-10-2021 | 3 min read
Floral Events

What Is Not EMC?

European Master Certification (EMC) is not a floral workshop, nor a series of tutorials. It’s not exactly a school, per se, and it certainly isn’t offering any recipes for people to replicate. It’s not really a masterclass, either and yes, one does get an official certification in the end, but that’s not really the goal in itself. We do work with flowers in EMC, but then on day one, your instructor tells you: "it’s not about the flowers" and this list could go on and on. What is EMC?

EMC Is Unique

EMC is unique. And that makes it almost impossible to place it in a category with any other form of floral education there is out there. So, the question still stands: What is this European Master Certification? The answer is incredibly simple: YOU! What is EMC? Surely, we could start explaining the entire process with well-chosen words and presenting the concept in detail. We could talk about our amazing team of educators, and the wonderful partners and sponsors that are part of this program. We could even introduce you to some of the notions we teach and offer information regarding the technological process behind it. We could speak of the certification itself and the prestigious institutions that offer it and we could also go on and on about the success stories of other graduates from previous classes. Of course, all of the above are easily found information online these days and we take great pride in all the accomplishments we have had over the years. But, in all honesty, these are all pieces of a puzzle that can be found online, and still, without YOU that puzzle will never be complete. What is EMC?

The EMC Mission

The EMC mission states YOUR KNOWLEDGE – YOUR SUCCESS – OUR PASSION. We put passion into designing a complex curriculum, an outstanding learning process, and amazing guidance through it, but ultimately, EMC is all about YOU. EMC is your immense effort, you having to step out of your comfort zone, you reaching your infinite potential as a floral designer, your signature style, your growth, your hard work, your creativity pushed forward, your designs lifted, your success story, and your own personal experience enhanced. European Master Certification is a floral educational concept and program that cannot be categorized because neither can you! And you shouldn’t fit in a category, as your individuality, your personality, and your distinctive experience are the attributes that set you apart from the crowd.

EMC Is Unique Because You Are Unique!

Of course, the program goes through theory and practice, thorough elements and principles, thorough techniques and mechanics, through art and nomenclature work, through design concepts and color theory. These are all milestones you will pass and knowledge that will take you further in your creative endeavor and business mindset. You will have guidance and mentorship, teachers and fellow colleagues will become your family and yes, in the end, you will have a certification. The beauty of EMC, though, stands in the fact that YOU will embark on an exciting journey that will last a lifetime, exploring YOUR infinite creative potential and knowing how to express it in YOUR signature style designs.

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