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Tom de Houwer

Floral Artist - Teacher - Mentor

Tom de Houwer

Tom de Houwer is Floral-Artist, Teacher and Mentor His unique harmonious less is more designs and holistic methods that are driven by philosophical meaning have been inspiring thousands of people worldwide through speaking engagements, professional & student workshops and publications in dozens of magazines. He is now driven to inspire other designers to discover their authentic relationship with themselves, and with new-found awareness translate the meaning to their own designs. He has been described by students, employees, and fellow designers as a genuine force of nature: wildly creative with a pursuit of the delicate balance between perfection and authenticity.

Shares on Thursd by Tom de Houwer
Tom de Houwer and His Design in Saatchi
My Work in Saatchi Gallery in London
Floral Art
May 31 | 2 min read
Eternal Flow - A Zen Evoking Garden - Blog by Tom de Houwer - on Thursd
Eternal Flow - A Zen Evoking Garden
Floral Art Floral Designs
May 10 | 3 min read
Shining With Bloom Up in the Biggest Japanese Garden of Europe
Oct 22 | 3 min read
The Subtle Shift between Chaos and Harmony
Sep 23 | 2 min read

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