The Subtle Shift between Chaos and Harmony

A new life design - Experience the expected and unexpected

By: TOM DE HOUWER | 23-09-2020 | 2 min read

Annual Hoogstraten Open-air Event in Corona-times

The annual open-air event in the Belgian city Hoogstraten, Hoogstraten in Greens & Flowers, stands for creativity and inventiveness. Each year, the creative team and volunteers create breathtaking creations in original combinations, always made of vegetables, flowers, and fruit. All realized with ingenious examples of technology. This year’s edition was different. Only one design was created without the possibility of the public to visit. In the year 2020, with the corona measures taken into consideration, a ‘live’ presentation was presented certainly as spectacular. The unique design in combination with the audiovisual technique brings the message 'connectedness' to your home. Read more about the concept in which finesse, magic, and passion are meticulously portrayed in image and sound.   The Subtle Shift between Chaos and Harmony - Tom de Houwer - blogger on thursd - quote


From the source of eternal life, water, fruits float that carry the seeds of the future to the lake that is the canvas for the co-creation of all moving components that shape the bigger picture. The aim of the new life is to be and to create connections, through beauty.  


When the Expected Meets the Unexpected

Beauty is created and experienced in between the subtle shifts of the expected and the unexpected. The attentive viewer will initially see beautiful harmonious and slightly predictable movements arising from the movement of the spheres. The symbol of what we experience as harmony. Then unexpected chaos ensues. The chaos of the external factor, the change. When we look further patiently we see new patterns, structures and harmonies emerge and then return to the predictable harmony, a new beauty in connection. New life, a different life from the source, for the source, through the source, and back to the source. One power higher each time to the next level. This was 2020 to the 22nd power. Will you come and see next year, 2021 to the 23rd power?   Concept & Design: Tom De Houwer Music: Florejan Verschueren Artistic realization: Volunteers VVV Hoogstraten - Tom De Houwer Technical Realization: Technical crew city Hoogstraten and volunteers VVV Hoogstraten olv Maarten Leemans en Gust Goetschalckx Camera and montage: Jurgen Geevels Coordination Volunteers: Jacqueline Van den Heuvel Project coordination: Ann Leemans
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Tom de Houwer

Tom de Houwer is Floral-Artist, Teacher and Mentor His unique harmonious less is more designs and holistic methods that are driven by philosophical meaning have been inspiring thousands of people worldwide through speaking engagements, professional & student workshops and publications in dozens of magazines. He is now driven to inspire other designers to discover their authentic relationship with themselves, and with new-found awareness translate the meaning to their own designs. He has been described by students, employees, and fellow designers as a genuine force of nature: wildly creative with a pursuit of the delicate balance between perfection and authenticity.


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