
Viking Roses

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About Viking Roses

Viking Roses

Viking Roses is a collaboration between Rosa and Harley Eskelund and John Pouw (DVR Marketing B.V.). Rosa, Harley, and John have known each other for over 30 years and share a passion for roses and marketing. John successfully launched the first genuine consumer brand for a cut rose in New York: TRUE.® In his search for a better variety for this, he teamed up with Rosa and Harley eight years ago.

Breeding & Marketing

In Viking Roses Rosa breeds and John markets. Together they select. Harley balances off the passion with common sense. Viking Roses are bred and tested (greenhouse and open-air) in Denmark, then in the Netherlands (open-air, greenhouse), and then sent for further evaluation to selected growers in Kenya, Ethiopia, Colombia, Ecuador, Germany, and other countries.


Viking Roses location

Viking Roses Viking Roses/DVR Marketing B.V., Zijde 55, 2771 EK Boskoop, Nederland

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