10 Surprising Plants to Elevate Your Green Wall

It's a complete jungle out there! For new plant hunters, plant parents, and plant lovers it can be a bit overwhelming to start their collection but Evanthia has got you covered.

By: LOUIS KESTER | 30-03-2022 | 6 min read
Indoor Plants
header 10 Surprising Plants to Elevate Your Green Wall.jpg

The market for green plants is developing rapidly. Tropical houseplants have been trending for a while now and by the looks of it, this will continue to be the case for years to follow. At Evanthia, they have noticed this by sky-rocketing product demands and the massive growth of their Tropical Plants department in recent years. 

These Plants Are Perfect for Your Green Wall

Evanthia's product range is ever-evolving and growing - It's a complete jungle out there! For new plant hunters, plant parents, and plant lovers it can be a bit overwhelming to start their collection, asking themselves: Where to start? Which items to choose and why? Rotem from @myplantwall takes you along for a close-up of their green wall plants and lists her favorites. 

By the way, you can read more about Rotem's plant wall project in the article 'Couple Builds a Gorgeous DIY Plant Wall on a Budget in a Tiny Berlin Apartment'.



DIY Living Room Green Wall


"Last year, when we started to build our DIY living room green wall, we didn’t know which plants would adapt best to vertical growing and to repotting in felt. Now, as we are approaching the wall’s 1 year birthday, we can share with you which plants have made it through everything that we put them through:

Apartment move
Repotting into a new medium
European winter

The plants we chose to focus on will look great on every green wall. They are easy-to-get common house plants that are both affordable and beautiful. Combined they fill up the green wall, show plant diversity, and strengthen the tropical jungle feeling that we aim for and love so much!"


1. Syngonium 

I chose to start with Syngonium since it holds a special place in my heart. My old flatmate had a Syngonium White Butterfly plant, and that is the first cutting I ever took and propagated. Today, 3 years later, this tiny cutting is PROSPERING on the green wall and reaching a giant size. We have 3 types of Syngonium on the wall: Syngonium White butterfly, Syngonium Neon and Red.

I couldn’t recommend Syngoniums more. They all are fast growers, climbers, easy to care for, and they add so much color and vibrancy.


Syngonium Houseplant - Evanthia on Thursd


2. Philodendron Florida Beauty Green

This plant simply turns the jungle vibes up! Philodendron Florida Beauty Green has the biggest, most unique shape of leaves, and it has a beautiful growing pattern: one leaf grows to the right and the next one will grow to the left. So it’s popping out in between other plants so naturally while climbing up.


Philodendron Florida Beauty Green - Evanthia on Thursd


3. Monstera

The Monstera is always the star of the show, as common as it may be – it’s always so striking! She has adapted to the green wall so well, that she tripled in size.

The aerial roots have latched all along with the felt and we now enjoy leaves with secondary fenestration.


Monstera Tropical Houseplant - Evanthia on Thursd


4. Calathea

[kal-uh-thee-uh] … sounds weird? I know! They do have quite the reputation of being difficult, but in a miraculous way that surprised us too, some of them actually enjoy the green wall climate and shade. To name a few: Calathea orbifolia, Calathea makoyana and Ctenanthe oppenheimiana. They are long-living and easy-going.

Their striking patterns add so much dimension and interest. If you DIY a plant wall – I highly suggest that you try to combine Calathea varieties in the mix.


Calathea Houseplant - Evanthia on Thursd


5. Philodendron Imperial Red

WOW, wow, wow. I never expected to love this plant as much as I do! It’s been on the wall since day one, growing silently and slowly but with so much dark elegance! It might not pop out many new leaves all the time, but the ones it already has grown, have become so dominant and large!

The Philodendron Imperial Red is a stable "slow-and-steady-wins-the-race" type of guy. Definitely add it to your wall if you are in it for the long run!


Philodendron Imperial Red - Evanthia on Thursd


6. Philodendron Hastatum Grey

We made a few cuttings of our Philodendron hastatum Grey plant and spread them across the green wall. In retrospect, I wouldn’t recommend cutting the plant because they are slow growers. Instead, I would keep the plant as it arrived from the nursery.

However, the silvery grey color of this plant adds serenity and calmness to the wall, as it balances out the bright greens.


Philodendron hastatum Grey - Evanthia on Thursd


7. Philodendron Minima / Rhaphidophora Tetrasperma

Let’s switch to a top performer! I purchased our Philo minima with cold burns and only 5 leaves. It has been planted on the lower corner of the wall and to this day it climbed all the 2 meters up, and continued to the ceiling, with her fun fenestrated leaves! It’s everywhere and its fast & furious growth rate is so rewarding.


Philodendron minima Rhaphidophora tetrasperma - Evanthia on Thursd


8. Alocasia Wentii

While some Alocasias keep to the very familiar formula of: "if one new leaf grows, the old one must go", Alocasia wentii has rules of its own! This bushy Alocasia is coming out of the winter season not with 2 leaves, not with 3, but with 8 (!) leaves. It’s really big and regal.

The wentii grows at the lower part of the wall, where it’s always wet. Most plants will die in that area because it’s too wet for their roots. Alocasia wentii however,(luckily for us) is proving to handle it very well! If it’s too wet for her, she will get rid of the excess water through its shiny deep green leaves. This dripping process is called guttation.


Alocasia wentii - Evanthia on Thursd


9. Philodendron Zebra

Philodendron Zebra is perfect for the green wall, because of its shape. It’s bushy and relatively small with green and white striped leaves. It goes really well next to plants that are more stemmy, like Alocasia or Monstera, because it assists with creating dimension and a rich full contrasting texture.


Philodendron Zebra - Evanthia on Thursd


10. Alocasia Cucullata

Last but not least- The Alocasia cucullata surprised us the most! So here’s a story about two sister cucullata pots. One was planted on the wall while the other one stayed in the nursery pot. The wall cucullata started to grow rapidly, even sending roots from the back of its stem. Today it stands at 140 cm tall!

In comparison, Her sister, the cucullata who stayed in the pot (not with the best light conditions, if I must admit) reaches 60 cm only. So even though at first glance she might not look like your typical beauty queen, definitely give her a try and see what type of magic she can perform!


Alocasia cucullata - Evanthia on Thursd




"Did you like our choices or was surprised by them? Would you also put these plants on your green wall or keep them in pots? We would love to know what you think of our list! Come say hi to us on Instagram – @myplantwall for more tips, plants, and green wall topics."


DIY Green Plants Wall in Berlin - on Thursd


More Tropical Greens From Evanthia 

Are you a plant lover, hunter, or parent that can't get enough of tropical greens either? Evanthia has got you covered! How about the article 'These 7 Low-Maintenance Calatheas Make the Best Houseplants'? Or 'Go Back to the Green Sixties With These Retro Houseplants'. 

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Louis Kester

Curious and always learning in the practice of marketing, commerce and floriculture. Discovering the international (floriculture) world. To 'serve and lead' in order to come to increase the profit in the floriculture chain. #PuttingTheGrowerInBetterMarketPosition

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