Decofresh and her roses
Decofresh is well known in the industry for the supply of varieties as Cappuccino, Kahala, Fiorella and Atomic. Next to these well known varieties, the Decofresh assortment spans over 200 different roses.
A one-stop-shop for roses
For Decofresh it is important that florists can find any color and shape in roses they like to have. With a very large selection of all different colors and shapes, Decofresh is in that sense like a one-stop-shop for roses, or how the also like to call it; a florist paradise. Existing varieties, but also many new introductions were first introduced by one of the nine growers that Decofresh closely works with. It can be said that Decofresh has successfully introduced the largest number of different varieties of all companies in floriculture in the past years.

The center of a triangle
So what is Decofresh then? Helping growers with selecting new varieties, introducing them on the markets, having contacts with traders and florists alike, Decofresh can be viewed as the center in a triangle. This triangle is composed of breeders, growers and the market itself. Last weeks presence at an exhibition in Paris is a great example on how Decofresh performs as the center of this triangle. Talking to the people from the French markets about the roses. One of the Decofresh team members said: ' see how people react to the roses. How they see, for the first time, a new color or a special shape, or a combination of the two. Their faces, they see something they have never seen before,... I am in love with these faces...' Decofresh is fully equipped to fulfill most florist's needs. Decofresh nowadays also offers their roses in smaller numbers of a single variety, the minimum is now only two bunches. This makes it easier for florists to select more different varieties in one buy. Decofresh roses are easy accessible in most webshops of the larger traders in the world. For more details about Decofresh, you can go to their profile page here.