Is This the Time?
When is it the right time to start something new? “Never waste a good crisis”, is the famous quote by Winston Churchill, and I have to say, I think he is right. The situation that we find ourselves in right now also brings new ideas, new ways, and also another way of thinking. Personally, I think that is a good thing, for example with acceleration in innovation, but especially in a more digital way of working.
Attract Your Audience!
More than ever, florists, growers and wholesalers are looking for information, inspiration, and novelties. Also outside the traditional means. Something that doesn't change so much right now, is the contact between all company’s within the flower chain. Getting in touch with the people you already were in touch with, pithing the seller-buyer-seller-buyer-chain, didn't change so much.
Online Marketing Channels are on Fire
And now we have a crisis. Don't waste it. I think, right now, it is the right time to try harder to get in touch with a broader audience. Worldwide. The online marketing channels are on fire due to all attention. Many more people are confined to their homes and are much more online. Should it be easier to create a big(ger) community these days? I believe so.
Virtual Expo’s
A good way to expand your audience, are the virtual flower expo’s and online trade fairs! You will reach a lot of new people who might be interested in your company. A good trigger like a video message, a powerful photoshoot with flowers and plants, or just communicating about your (new) products and services, is very helpful in this time! Link the people to your webpage, Facebook, etc. And you will get a lot of new people who will get to know your company.
The sales through your social media account can expand as well. The digital way of working is not only an opportunity for B2B channels. A higher sales conversion through B2C is also a big opportunity. For example; in the United Kingdom the flower shops are closed till the beginning of December (for now). Through a bigger community, you can still reach potential clients. And if they buy your flowers online, then you are a Corona-proof florist!
The New-normal Situation
The biggest question we all have in these times; "will everything go back to normal?" Whatever the outcome may be, I sincerely hope that the whole industry will be able to do business again and (re-)opens. But, I also hope that when the crisis is over, we don’t forget that also the online business will contribute to our goals. I firmly believe that online will become as important as physical. And will contribute to the business goals, only in a different way. And I believe that we will have a better understanding of how important the online ecosystems are, and have learned better to use them in an optimal way. Online, you can not only reach different people, but you can attract a much bigger audience. Built your communities online, and let your store/greenhouse and your flowers and potted plants do the rest! As Winston Churchill said; "Never waste a good crisis!"
![Never Waste a Good Crisis - the Future of Online in Floriculture - Wouter Jongkind on Thursd. in greenhouse](/storage/media/9667/never-waste-a-good-crisis-the-future-of-online-in-floriculture-wouter-jongkind-on-thursd-in-greenhouse-900x600.jpg)