Precautions We Take to Protect Flowers and Plants From Tropical Heat

What a breeder does to make flowers suitable for hot temperatures

By: WOUTER JONGKIND | 06-07-2020 | 3 min read

What to do with your flowers when there is tropical heat?

In the summer we get a lot of questions at Royal Van Zanten about how our flowers perform in hotter temperatures. Below I have selected some insider info about this topic. And I think you'll be surprised to find out what it is a breeder does to make flowers last in the tropical heat.

Chrysanthemum Saba

If we are talking about tropical surprises and Chrysanthemums, then we’re talking at Royal van Zanten about Saba, a small tropical island in the Caribbean. Already for 11 years, we breed this variety. And there is a secret in Chrysanthemum Saba. This variety reacts differently to temperatures. That’s why we, as a breeder, made a winter Saba and a summer Saba. Did you know that? Wouter Jongkind - Saba flowers in tropical heat The result in the appearance of the flowers of the selection process we went through for this variety is the same. It's a beautiful bi-color variety. But to be sure of this result, we’ve made selections. A lot of selections actually. And we tested all those selections in winter and in summer. The ones who were similar in summer and winter are now in the market. Two different ones, but you can spot the difference! That’s how you get a tropical surprise, year-round!

Statice Shiny Sun Birds

In Statice, we have a new introduction this year. And it is literally shining every day. The Statice Shiny Sun Birds is the most yellow Statice available in the market right now. With his long comb of flowers, she will provide as much sun as you need in your greenhouse or vase! Remember, when it is getting too hot, Statice is also brilliant as a dried flower. Just take it out of the vase and put it ‘in the sun!’   Wouter Jongkind - Statice sunny sun birds flowers in tropical heat

Alstroemeria Sunny Lady

Alstroemeria is from its origin already a heat resistant flower. It can grow in regions with high temperatures. Next to this tolerance for high temperatures, the flowers need cooler nights. Their origin is therefore in the mountains in Southern America. Hot days, and cooler nights. In Holland, we simulate this environment by cooling the soil to approximately 15 degrees celsius. And the heat will come in these days from the sun! Actually Alstroemeria is therefore one of the most sustainable flowers to grow. Create a nice yellow variety of Alstroemeria and you have the total tropical package! Sunny Lady in a tropical environment!   Wouter Jongkind - Alstroemeria Sunny Lady

Pot Chrysanthemum

With pot Chrysanthemum, we always think about autumn. And that’s not completely correct. Pot Chrysants are year-round available. We created a nice display at the Trex Expo this year with Pot Chrysanthemums. A nice bbq garden party (with 1,5-meter distance) as a perfect occasion to buy for someone a nice Pot Chrysanthemum! See for yourself; this table is a DYI table with a tropical touch!   Wouter Jongkind - Display

Chrysanthemum Santini Sun Up

What a beauty we have in our Santini range. The Santini Sun Up makes you always happy, even if there is a less beautiful day in summer. This flower is available year-round, even if you need some ‘sun’ in the winter, it is at your disposal.     Wouter Jongkind - Pot Chrysanthemum   Spoiler alert: I cannot share a lot about this, but there will be a pot plant of this variety in the near future. This variety will make us feel tropical in every possible way!

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Wouter Jongkind

Born and grown up between flowers. Love to see new business and innovation in the flower industry. Currently discovering whole (Eastern) Europe as a Market Manager at Royal Van Zanten.

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