Sweetness, Light and Positivity for Christmas

Especially in this trying, unique, unpredictable year

By: MIKALA FORCELLINI | 09-12-2020 | 1 min read
Floral Designs Roses

The Snowstorm+ rose is very pleasant to work with. When opening it sometimes reveals a beautiful crumpled heart. The rose evolves well, opens nice and gradually, and displays a very pride and honorable stature.  

Fun Working with this Rose

I had fun working with this rose by declining it with soft pink colors on a Christmas theme. A Christmas that needs sweetness, light, and positivity this special year. I then continued my work with the wonderful color palette of the year, on this Scorched Earth theme. Solar colors that will awaken in us all the hopes of a lasting reconstruction.   Sweetness, Light and Positivity for Christmas by Mikala Forcellini

The Unpredictable Year 2020

2020 has been a trying, unique, unpredictable year for all flower industry professionals around the world. A very sudden awakening that questioned our practices but also our links with each other. Hopefully, 2021 will be like this rose, full of promise and freshness.   Sweetness, Light and Positivity for Christmas by Mikala Forcellini

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Mikala Forcellini

You don't become a florist overnight 🌻, so I started by becoming a journalist🖋 (it prevents me from cultivating spelling mistakes), and then since it was funnier I also tried the profession of 'nurse 💉. Thanks to my 3 professional ropes I can take care of you and your business 🍀 🍀 🍀.

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