The Most Beautiful Festive Table Decoration

Cocooning is "in"

By: AN THEUNYNCK | 01-02-2021 | 2 min read

Do you want to show your creativity to the world?

Floreview did organise a great contest for Christmas 2020 of which you can see the designs below. The contest was called called: 'The Most Beautiful Festive Table Decoration'. Creativity - Nature – Conviviality Enjoy!  
The Most Beautiful Festive Table Decoration - Floreview - Blog on Thursd (3)
Sören Van Laer

The First Online Floral Competition of Floreview

Covid-19 Taught Us Two Important Things

Firstly, it made us enjoy beautiful nature again. We have learnt to discover what nature offers us all. For example that that nature has a wide range of beautiful materials for flower arrangements. Secondly, it showed us the importance of having a cosy home. Cocooning is "in". And flower decoration plays a very important role in this.  
The Most Beautiful Festive Table Decoration - Floreview - Blog on Thursd (22)
Angelique Schelstraete

Everything Happens Online These Days

As floral events and life competitions are not possible in these days, Floreview decided to organise her first online floral competition: ‘the most beautiful festive table decoration’ to stimulate floral creativity! Triggered by this concept, enthusiastic florists, students in floral design, and flower lovers decided to participate and to create a festive table with vegetative (70%) materials.

Festive Table Decorations

They all made pictures of their creation and send it to Floreview who published all table decoration on the Floreview website. Immediately this website became a source of inspiration for everybody who likes a beautiful floral table! The jury assessed the following criteria: finishing - shape and colour - originality and respect of the theme.   The Most Beautiful Festive Table Decoration - Floreview - Blog on Thursd (27)  

An Opportunity to Develop and Improve Yourself

To participate in a floral competition is an opportunity to develop and improve yourself and to push boundaries. As says Frédéric Dupré, a famous French floral designer: ‘’You can learn a lot by taking part in competitions. And you certainly don’t have to win. On the contrary! You can learn an incredible amount from your mistakes. You don’t make the same mistake twice! And you can see a lot of new techniques and ideas from other competitors’

And the Winners Are …

38 florists, students and flower lovers participated in the competition! Enjoy their beautiful creations!


1. Martine Meeuwssen  
The Most Beautiful Festive Table Decoration - Floreview - Blog on Thursd (12)
Martine Meeuwssen
  The Most Beautiful Festive Table Decoration - Floreview - Blog on Thursd (10)   2. Katia Gilmet  
The Most Beautiful Festive Table Decoration - Floreview - Blog on Thursd (15)
Katia Gilmet
  The Most Beautiful Festive Table Decoration - Floreview - Blog on Thursd (13)   3. Sören Van Laer  
The Most Beautiful Festive Table Decoration - Floreview - Blog on Thursd (5)
Sören Van Laer
  The Most Beautiful Festive Table Decoration - Floreview - Blog on Thursd (4)   An honourable distinction went to Manon Escoubet and to Angelique Schelstraete  
The Most Beautiful Festive Table Decoration - Floreview - Blog on Thursd (24)
Manon Escoubet
  The Most Beautiful Festive Table Decoration - Floreview - Blog on Thursd (23)    
The Most Beautiful Festive Table Decoration - Floreview - Blog on Thursd (26)
Angelique Schelstraete
  The Most Beautiful Festive Table Decoration - Floreview - Blog on Thursd (25)  


1. Jutah De Corte  
The Most Beautiful Festive Table Decoration - Floreview - Blog on Thursd (20)
Jutah De Corte
  The Most Beautiful Festive Table Decoration - Floreview - Blog on Thursd (19) 2. Jasmine Nachtergael  
The Most Beautiful Festive Table Decoration - Floreview - Blog on Thursd (28)
Jasmine Nachtergael
  The Most Beautiful Festive Table Decoration - Floreview - Blog on Thursd (21) 3. Tia Cornelissen  
The Most Beautiful Festive Table Decoration - Floreview - Blog on Thursd (6)
Tia Cornelissen

Flower Lovers

1. Wim Callebaut  
The Most Beautiful Festive Table Decoration - Floreview - Blog on Thursd
Wim Callebaut
  The Most Beautiful Festive Table Decoration - Floreview - Blog on Thursd (1)   2. Riet Wille  
The Most Beautiful Festive Table Decoration - Floreview - Blog on Thursd (7)
Riet Wille
  3. Nele De Bruycker  
The Most Beautiful Festive Table Decoration - Floreview - Blog on Thursd (9)
Nele De Bruycker
  The Most Beautiful Festive Table Decoration - Floreview - Blog on Thursd (8)    

Do you also want to show your creativity to the world?

Great news! Floreview will organise a new competition for the easter period Keep an eye on the Facebook page of Floreview or have a look at their website:

An Theunynck profile picture
An Theunynck

Publishing and flowers, writing and flowers, organizing and flowers, networking and flowers. This has been my daily activity for more than fifteen years now. For more than 12 years I have been editor-in-chief of the inspiration magazine Fleur creative, editor at the German trade magazine Florieren, I have been working at Fleuramour, Green Academy - Florademy (floral school for professionals from 2007-2010), Fleur Talent! / Upcoming Florist ( projects with young florists), the Daniel Ost Academy.

I have a blog and inspirational platform

Flowers! Flowers make life so much more beautiful, so much friendlier, they bring so much atmosphere. I just want everyone to know!


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