The new floral trends ask the flowers to move even in the classic styles, the compact works finish and the stems create three-dimensionality to the inflorescences.
Easy Opening by Hand
These roses for their beauty and robustness allow easy opening by hand. They are full-bodied and have double petals. The shapes of the wedding are thus revisited with clearly visible high-low and depth movements. From the sinuous asymmetrical art nouveau shape to the symmetrical classic decorative, there are two different proposals for winter brides. Clean lines accompanied only by snow-covered asparagus branches and a few dried magnolia leaves.
Recall the Soft Snow
In the foreground the flowers, the lines, and all strictly pure white as if to recall the soft snow. The rose is called Snowstorm+ and is bred by Dümmen Orange. A beauty that leaves room for creations, and restores dreams to brides.