6 Allergy-Friendly Flowers to Plant in Your Garden Today!

There are various hypoallergenic flowers that add a burst of color to your yard without making you feel itchy or congested.

By: THURSD. | 19-07-2023 | 5 min read
Floral Education Garden Plants
Girl with allergy friendly roses

Whether you have a green thumb or enjoy spending time in your garden, these hypoallergenic flowers are the perfect addition to your outdoor sanctuary. Featuring loads of different colors and shapes along with unique properties, they offer a delightful solution for those who suffer from allergies, ensuring that you can fully enjoy the wonders of nature without the worry of triggering a frustrating bout of sneezing. You can plant them in your garden starting today to enjoy both their beauty and non-allergic properties.

Six Hypoallergenic Flowers for Your Garden

Unfortunately, the coming of the richness of different seasons coincides with and exacerbates allergy season. As lovely as these flowers are, many are also fragrant and pollen-dense; they can irritate the nose and eyes, making them unsuitable for gardeners with seasonal allergies. Don't be concerned though! While many flowering plants can cause allergies, these six flowers are allergy-friendly and will brighten up your yard without making your nose itchy or stuffy.

1. Tulips

The less pollen a plant produces, the better it'll be for allergic people! Furthermore, tulips are predominantly pollinated by bees and other insects rather than wind. Insect-pollinated flowers typically produce less airborne pollen, as their pollen grains are specifically adapted to adhere to the bodies of insects for efficient pollination. As a result, the amount of tulip pollen released into the air is relatively low, decreasing the likelihood of triggering allergies in sensitive individuals.


Tulip field


Not only that, but tulips are good for allergy sufferers because they don't have a really strong scent, which can trigger several allergic reactions among those who love getting near flowers and smelling them on first encounter.

Just be aware that, despite these benefits, some people may be sensitive to getting 'tulip fingers', an irritating rash that can occur on hands and arms when touching tulips for a longer period, like for work or during your gardening. It is also called 'tulip itch' or 'tulip nail'. The culprit is a chemical called tuliposide that is found mostly in the outer layers of tulip bulbs.

2. Hydrangeas

Hydrangeas are perennial, deciduous shrubs famed for their profusion of blue, pink, and purple blossoms. Hydrangeas are lower pollen-producing flowers, which tend to be easier on those with pollen allergies. The pollen produced by hydrangeas is heavy and sticky, making it less likely to become airborne and cause allergic reactions. This is beneficial for individuals who are sensitive to pollen and experience symptoms such as sneezing, itching, or congestion. Since these plants also tend to bloom in the summertime, which helps to avoid additional pollen production during peak allergy season.


white hydrangeas


In addition to their low-pollen nature, hydrangeas also have large and showy flowers with tightly clustered petals. These dense flower heads further reduce the chances of pollen dispersal. As a result, the likelihood of coming into contact with hydrangea pollen is significantly lower compared to other flowering plants, minimizing the risk of triggering allergy symptoms.

3. Bird of Paradise Flower is Allergy-Friendly

The bird of paradise, or strelitzia, is a great flowering shrub that is ideal for warm and tropical areas. It makes a spectacular addition to any yard because of its blossoms, which resemble a bird in flight, making this flowering plant particularly spectacular. But now getting to the main point, why is the Bird of Paradise one of the six allergy-friendly flowers to plant in your garden?


Model with Bird of Paradise flower
Photo: @kk_momentsofyourlife.


The best part is that this allergy-friendly flower does not release airborne pollen, making it great for allergic patients. With glossy, large leaves that grow to astonishing heights, this plant grows quickly and can adapt to a variety of light intensities.

4. Bougainvillea

Yet another of the six flowering plants to have in your garden which is allergy-friendly is the lovely bougainvillea. By planting bougainvillea in your garden, you can have a very colorful landscape without a doubt plus the fact it'll be hypoallergenic for anyone who has allergy problems when they visit your garden. The plant's low pollen production (as well as the other flowers mentioned previously), non-airborne pollen, and attractive bracts make it an ideal choice for individuals with allergies to enjoy the beauty of nature without the discomfort of pollen-related allergic symptoms.


Bougainvillea is an allergy friendly flower to have at home
Photo: @olivia.wonders.


5. Hostas are Hypoallergenic Flowers

Hostas are versatile plants that bring a touch of lush greenery to any garden, and their beautiful sprays of purple-and-white flowers add an enchanting element to their appeal. Hostas can serve multiple purposes in your garden, whether you choose to use them as borders, ground covers, or containers. Their adaptability makes them an excellent choice for various landscaping needs.


Hosta flowers in garden are allergy friendly
Flowering Hosta


What makes hostas even more appealing, especially for individuals with allergies, is their hypoallergenic nature. The buds of hosta flowers do not possess a scent, which is beneficial for those who are sensitive to strong floral fragrances that can trigger allergic reactions. This absence of scent allows you to enjoy their aesthetic beauty without any discomfort.

Moreover, hostas produce relatively low amounts of pollen as well. The minimal pollen production of hostas helps maintain a more allergen-free environment, enabling you to fully appreciate the tranquility of your garden without worrying about allergic symptoms.

6. Roses

Roses have a pleasant, calming aroma that makes you want to inhale deeply every time you're near one, right? Fortunately, because it produces little pollen, this favorite garden flower is allergy-friendly and without a doubt one of the most popular types of flowers to plant in gardens since a very long time ago. Rose pollen is also dense, so it will not float through the air and cause your eyes to moisten. Avoid wild rose variations to reduce sneezing even more, and instead, stick to cultivated kinds of roses.


Roses are hypoallergenic flowers
Spray garden roses.
Photo: @garden_by_marta.


Having flowers in your garden without the constant sneezing and itching is possible! Go ahead and make these a part of your backyard to make yourself and your flower lover's eyes happy.



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