Floral designer Kristina Rimiene using white Lily Bach from Bredefleur created an improvised snow glass ball with a diameter of nine meters. This floral project decorated the live TV broadcast studio of the 'Fulfillment Campaign 2024' charity project, which has been held in Lithuania for more than twenty years.
A Glass Dome as TV Studio for the 'Fulfillment Campaign 2024'
The studio with TV presenters, who interviewed project participants – sick children and performers during the live TV broadcast of the event, was located near the Vilnius Town Hall and became a part of the performance held on the main stage and Christmas ice rink. This year the TV studio was established in an unusual place - a glass dome, it led to the idea that it should look like a snow glass ball, which when shaken gives the impression of snow. That's why the idea of creating an allusion to a snowglass ball arose. Kristina Rimiene decided to use white lilies to fulfill her vision. According to her, hanged lily blossoms and buds were chosen to symbolize falling snowflakes, and the white and silver asparagus inserted next to them was supposed to symbolize frost.
Bredefleur White Lilies Bach
Dutch flower breeder and grower Bredefleur supplied white lilies of the Bach variety for the project. In total, more than 1,500 hanging elements - flowers, buds, twigs - were hanged. Each flower had to be properly prepared - first, it had to be bloomed, then after cutting it from the stem pinned, tied to the line, added to the string, adjusted to the height, and hung, so a lot of manual work was put into the project. A team of Studio Flores, owned by Kristina Rimiene, worked along with her on this project. Also, the wholesale flower trading company J. van Vliet contributed by delivering the flowers to the place.
Kristina Loves Dutch Flowers
Kristina Rimiene has been decorating the 'Fulfillment Campaign' project for several years already and every time she offers new ideas while collaborating with Dutch flower growers. This year, however, during the preparation of the glass dome, the flowers faced a considerable challenge. According to Kristina, while installing the dome people first had to take care of various technical aspects, and only then could her team work with the flowers.
Kristina Rimiene:
"The lilies themselves are very fragile, you can't touch them too much, but since the dome was quite small, we had to move them a lot. Also, upon arrival, the dome was assembled first and everyone was carrying equipment. The heat was turned afterward, but the windows and doors were open at the same time. So, the flowers were under a bit of stress as they were being transported from a warm environment to a cold one and experienced a draft. However, I am glad that the project was successful, and this huge snowglass ball attracted the attention of TV presenters, participants, and viewers.”

More Than 385K Raised to Help the Lithuanian Children
Kristina is happy, that more than 259 thousand euros were donated during the TV live broadcast, and after summing up the amount of money donated before the event, a total of more than 385 thousand euros was collected in order to help seriously ill children! It is nice to believe that even in the cold winter, lily flowers, symbolizing the magical snowflakes falling in the snow glass ball, warmed the hearts of the people of Lithuania.
Fulfillment Campaign 2024 is the largest television support project in Lithuania. TV3 Television and the support project “ Fulfillment Campaign” organized by SEB Bank have been in existence since 2003. During the whole year of the campaign, people of goodwill donated more than 10 million euros. With the donated funds, the children of the orphanage and other disadvantaged children received the necessary information and necessary assistance. Medicines were bought for children, surgeries performed, medical equipment, paging, and additional rehabilitation. "Fulfillment Campaign" turned into a phenomenon that became well-known and loved by the Lithuanian people. Every year, the society is gathered for common goals, a common mission to help Lithuanian children.