EMC GO LIVE - Let's Connect

The 2-day flower online event not to miss

By: THURSD. | 17-06-2021 | 2 min read
Floral Events

EMC is bringing a star line-up to give you inspiration, challenge your creative juices, and activate you to create more consciously. Because in today's world, if you don't take hold of your future success... it will pass you by!

European Master Certification

European Master Certification is a blended-learning experience integrated into a complex international floral education program, created by the world-renowned designer, artist, and lead instructor Tomas De Bruyne. TOTF2021SE 25 EMC GO Live Integration

Fully Develop Your Creative Potential

We’ve put experience and passion into designing a complex curriculum, an outstanding learning process, and a great coaching program. But ultimately, EMC offers designers an opportunity to grow and fully develop their creative potential by engaging them in a life-changing experience. Our students are exposed to the Infinite Creative Effect (ICE) taught by a driven, engaged, and passionate team. Designers are introduced to new styles, techniques, materials, and creative ways of playing with the elements and principles of design, focusing on nurturing and discovering their unique, signature style. TOTF2021SE 25 EMC GO Live Integration

The Art and Business of Communicating Emotions

Designing with flowers is the art and business of communicating emotions. The design displays elements of inspiration from so many other forms of art, it encompasses trends; it challenges us technically, just as it excites the client visually. This is why we believe that all florists who want to expand their creativity, both in art and business, need to experience the Infinite Creative Effect (ICE)! A floral design has to speak of a broader picture than selling the flower itself. It actually speaks of concepts, such as integration and conscious creativity, as the way into the future of design. 2-Day Virtual EMC Go Live Event Integration - News Article on Thursd


Committed to constantly developing new and exciting means of reaching out to the floral community, providing quality education, and also valuable experiences, EMC is focusing on using the best of today’s technology to build up a complex and integrated event: EMC GO LIVE! This 2-day virtual event offers florists and designers together the opportunity to learn and connect. Exploring the future in this fast-changing world with a conscious creative mindset is vital and a goal for us all. 

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The event will be hosted online and it focuses on INTEGRATION as the main theme, offering a star line-up of distinguished guests, to inspire you, challenge your mind and provoke you to become a Conscious Creative. 2-Day Virtual EMC Go Live Event Integration - News Article on Thursd TOTF2021SE 25 EMC GO Live Integration 

Contact EMC

For more information, questions or requests, do not hesitate to contact us. EMC International BV St. Elooisstraat 105 8020 Ruddervoorde Oostkamp Belgium Thursd socials website internet  Thursd socials email  Thursd socials facebook  Thursd socials instagram  Thursd socials youtube

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