Decorum growers are cultivating in the most sustainable way possible. These growers are constantly on the lookout for sustainable solutions that help with energy savings, efficient water policy, and the lowest possible CO2 emissions. Meeting the standards of the Feel Green label means as follows; the growers of Decorum that supply Feel Green products comply with strict sustainability criteria regarding cultivation and packaging.
While our floriculture sector is becoming more sustainable, Decorum has tapped into this delicate but present-day topic by providing a green line; Feel Green. As a member of the Floriculture Sustainable Initiative, sustainability is high on the agenda of the Decorum cooperation.
Feel Green, a Sustainable Label
Feel Green products meet high sustainability requirements. The nurseries where Feel Green products are produced are all certified with a GAP certificate and MPS-SQ. With these certificates, the growers meet the strict requirements in terms of product traceability, hygiene, and social aspects, among other things. Feel Green products are Product Proof; they contain a transparent process regarding the registration of the correct crop protection. The packaging and label are always made of biodegradable and renewable materials. For the Phalaenopsis, for example, this means that the plants are delivered without a plastic sleeve and in a cardboard box or reusable container.

Biodegradable and Renewable Materials
Not only the product is sustainable; the packaging is made of biodegradable and renewable materials. Feel Green products are supplied in a paper sleeve and in a cardboard tray. After all, the growers can see that the demand for sustainable products in the market is increasing. From now on it is also possible for customers to choose the Feel Green sustainable alternative.
A response to the sustainable packaging implementation at Decorum by grower Gertjan Sosef van Ammerlaan-Sosef:
“My customers are happy that they can choose more and more products that are sustainably produced. With sustainable production, I mean in terms of certifications and sustainable packaging. But sustainability is never finished. We continue to develop the Feel Green initiative”

Floriculture Sustainable Initiative
Decorum is the first cooperation of growers who have joined the Floriculture Sustainability Initiative in 2018. The FSI membership file consists of organizations and companies – retailers, trade companies, cultivators and suppliers – who have dedicated themselves to improve practices and drive positive change towards the sustainable production and trade of flowers and plants.
A Sustainable Mission
The Decorum 'Feel Green' packaging is in line with the company's sustainable mission of constantly looking out for biodegradable and renewable materials. Feel Green growers use less plastic. The packaging (trays) in which the plants are supplied are made of cardboard and wood pulp. This makes the packaging 100% recyclable. Less plastic makes this world a better place! Learn more about the Decorum Feel Green label via their website.