According to feng shui principles, there are specific plants that attract good luck and help to optimize the energy flow in a home. They are pure energies that represent development, abundance, and life. If you want to start attracting these positive feelings and emotions in your home, these ten feng shui plants for good luck and energy are must-haves!
10 Feng Shui Plants for Good Luck and Positive Energy at Home
Plants play varied roles based on where they are. Outdoor plants serve as a protective barrier against negative energies, noise, and pollution; indoor plants should improve the quality of qi, the life force around us, and the energy levels of the individuals who reside in a home. All of this has to do with feng shui, the practice of arranging pieces in living spaces to create balance with the natural world.
Plants are a way to bring nature’s energy into our homes and interior environments. Nowadays, people spend more and more time indoors, and having houseplants in their homes is a way to reconnect with nature and ground themselves. In an energetic sense, plants are very healing for humans, and in a practical sense, they improve the air quality, provide soft surfaces, and beautify homes.

That said, here are ten lucky green beauties that are feng shui plant favorites, as well as a few tips for where to place them in your home for the best results. 3,2,1, get lucky now!
1. Lucky Bamboo (Dracaena Sanderiana) Feng Shui Plant
The Dracaena sanderiana, often known as lucky bamboo is one of the 10 feng shui plants that promotes good fortune, luck, and great energy. It works best when it contains three stems that signify happiness, health, and longevity. As a general rule, this feng shui plant should be placed in the northeast corner of your living space, where it can activate energy related to finances.

2. Pothos (Epipremnum Aureum) Plant
In addition to being fantastic feng shui plants, pothos are excellent air purifiers and are suitable for underutilized spots in your home, such as on top of kitchen cupboards or in the bathroom. They make excellent hanging plants due to their long, green tendrils. These plants take extremely little maintenance and have earned the nickname 'Devil's Ivy' because of their near-impossibility of death, making them ideal for inexperienced gardeners. They are one of the easiest feng shui plants to care for, and their soft, rounded leaves send relaxing, harmonious energy throughout your space.

3. Dieffenbachia Plant
Dieffenbachia, also known as 'Dumb Cane' and 'Leopard Lily', brings stimulating yang energy to activate work zones and areas linked to social recognition and entrepreneurship. In feng shui, yang energy is loud, active, and bright, as opposed to dark and subdued yin. The plant, which is one of the 10 feng shui plants that will attract good luck and energy should be placed in the northern part of a room, the area associated with fame and reputation.

4. Peace Lily (Spathiphyllum) Plant
Peace Lilies' flexible, flowing leaves and gorgeous white blossoms, according to feng shui, convert poison arrows or other bad energy into positive energy. For best results, place your Peace Lilies in a room where you may be under more stress than normal, such as your home office.

For Peace Lilies, the soil should constantly be maintained slightly damp, and they do not tolerate direct sunlight. As a result, any direct sunshine might dry up and sear its leaves. Place yours in an area that receives a lot of filtered, indirect sunlight.
5. Jade Plant (Crassula Ovata)
Jade plants are so strongly associated with fortune, wealth, and success that they are also referred to as money plants and lucky plants. These succulents have beautifully rounded and coin-shaped leaf segments, as well as sturdy brown stalks that resemble small tree trunks.

Every day, the jade plant requires at least six hours of direct sunlight; smaller plants prefer filtered or indirect light, while more mature plants like a little direct light. When the soil of a Jade plant is completely dry, water it thoroughly and let any excess water drain from the container. Jade plants require little care and are not particularly susceptible to pests and diseases.
6. Citrus Tree
All plants that bear fruit are regarded as successful and fortunate in feng shui, even though they are unlikely to bloom and produce fruit when planted inside. Citrus trees (orange, lemon, grapefruit, or lime) may produce plenty, prosperity, and positive energy in every element of your life, according to their location on the Bagua map.

Citrus plants require as much direct, strong sunlight every day; more than six hours is optimal. Therefore, it might be better to pick a different plant from this list unless you have a particularly sunny spot in your house that can maintain a robust, healthy citrus tree because ill, suffering plants can produce negative energy.
7. African Violet Plant
Under the list of 10 feng shui plants that will attract good luck and energy is this beautiful African Violet plant, botanically called Streptocarpus sect. Saintpaulia. These beauties can help with healing in the kitchen, and the optimum location, if possible, is between the sink and the stove. Another common rule is to place the plant on the east side of any room.

8. Snake Plant (Dracaena Trifasciata)
Despite their sharp, pointed, lance-shaped leaves, snake plants are thought to bring good fortune and pleasant energy in feng shui. This could be due to their ease of cultivation and extraordinary ability to filter the air. Because of their upward-facing leaves, snake plants are ideal for balancing the heavy, downward energy of ceiling fixtures such as fans or beams. Although these plants can thrive in almost any light condition, they prefer direct sunlight.

9. Chinese Money Plant (Pilea Peperomioides)
According to feng shui, the Chinese Money plant aka 'coin plant' attracts positivity and wealth for the one who grows it. It is a low-maintenance indoor plant with leaves resembling coins. This plant grows in the spring season in indirect sun and can be easily propagated using a stem cutting. It has moderate water needs but if it’s too sunny then it requires more water. If you need a dose of good luck and manifest wealth in every aspect of your day, you might want to consider getting this feng shui plant!

10. Rubber Plant (Ficus Elastica)
The Rubber plant is said to attract fortune, money, and success in feng shui! If you're looking for a little feng shui plant, the Rubber tree, with its thick, glossy leaves with purple stripes, is ideal. Its gently curled leaves can be used to soften hard edges in your environment. These thirsty tropical plants require frequent watering to keep the soil moist at all times. It is not suitable for flats because it does not perform well in low-light conditions.

While you decide which feng shui plant you want to incorporate into your home, you can also check out a few other plant options that give good luck and fortune here.
Header image by @darling.plants and feature image by @chrispresents.funwithplants.