Hollanda Roses by Porta Nova

Beautiful and reliable traditional Dutch red roses grown with craftsmanship and passion

By: THURSD. | 22-04-2021 | 3 min read

Porta Nova Broadens Range of Roses With New Sub-Brand 'Hollanda by Porta Nova'

Hollanda Roses are beautiful and reliable traditional Dutch red roses grown with Dutch craftsmanship and passion. Available from April 23.

Why HOLLANDA roses?

Thanks to the expansion of the company and an exchange with fresh plants at the existing company, we can perfectly build the plants in the coming years to once again go for the very best quality all year round. We give the plants ample time and a slightly higher average temperature, which we combine with improved cultivation techniques. As a result, the plants become much healthier and the quality of our Supra, Unica and Magna will be further enhanced. Hollanda roses by Porta Nova - on Thursd. dutch house

An additional advantage is that we can also select an extra batch of quality roses from the greenhouse in the coming years. They have the reliability, tightness, subtle scent and vase life Porta Nova roses are known for, but are less thicker in terms of bud and stem. We call these roses “Hollanda by Porta Nova”.

With this we hope to make the Porta Nova quality roses accessible to an even wider audience. Hollanda roses by Porta Nova - on Thursd. Old master


“Hollanda by Porta Nova” has its own recognisable delft blue foil packaging. They are available in lengths 40-80 cm and bundled per 10 stems. Porta Nova Hollanda packs

Centuries-old knowledge and passion for floriculture:

In the 17th century, the Netherlands had an enormous love and passion for flowers, art and international trade. This has led to a number of world-famous Dutch Masters. Over the centuries, the knowledge and passion for flowers has also been passed on from generation to generation. For generations, Gardening had been in the blood of Porta Nova founders. In the video below we would like to show you how our craftsmanship and passion has been transferred to the current generation.

Proud Dutch Merchants

In addition, close relationships have developed between us and the traders over the years. As Porta Nova, we cannot do it alone! It is only through partnerships with the many Dutch trading companies that we can guarantee quality across the borders. Many of these international trading companies have benefited from knowledge and passion passed down from generation to generation. To celebrate the introduction of HOLLANDA by Porta Nova together with the traders, we have invited them to be captured by a top Dutch photographer as a medieval merchant.

Dutch Flower Arrangers

Many of our Dutch floral designers are also huge fans of Porta Nova and love to join colleagues from around the world at events where they make the most beautiful creations together. We have also invited a number of champions to be captured as world famous paintings with a Porta Nova wink. Do you recognize them?

Porta Nova quality team: Porta Nova is all about quality. That is why we let ourselves be captured inspired by the world-famous painting “The Staalmeesters” by Rembrandt. Here are 6 nobles of the cloth guild depicted who, as an honorary job, inspected the quality and color of the cloths.  You can see our sales & marketing team checking the quality of HOLLANDA roses. Hollanda roses by Porta Nova - on Thursd. Old master 2 Starring: Aad van Luijk, Koos van Luijk, Tristan Koop, Paul Poelstra, Jan de Boer (John Flower>), Harm Van Der Gugten BarendsenPeter van Delft>, Eric Klein Barendsen, Michel Van Der LedenHanneke Frankema, Max Van de Sluis, Sarah DikkerPiet van KampenJan Vahrmeijer With special thanks to BarendsenThe Milkmaid ProjectHistorische Tuin AalsmeerTom Videocontent Porta Nova Video Hollanda red naomi roses

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