How to Look After Your Plants at Home?

Nurture your green companions with the right light, water, and care for a thriving indoor garden oasis.

By: THURSD | 21-10-2024 | 5 min read
Garden Plants Indoor Plants
Plant at home

Houseplants mean a lot to people, so they pay attention to each of them and do everything to prolong their existence. Besides making your space look better, you can improve the air quality, reduce stress, and even improve concentration, which is important for remote workers.

Besides simply having plants at home, you should take care of them so they will live longer and make you happy every time you look at them. This article presents simple tips to help you care for your plants. You can also read about How Gardening and Plant Care Can Help Improve Your Mental Health


Lady loving the big indoor plants
Picture by @beardsanddaisies


Ensure They Have Enough Lightning

Sunlight is important for houseplants as they grow faster and take the energy, so their leaves look fresh and bright. Placing them on the windowsill is best, but you can also put them on the office or kitchen table. The only thing that matters is the amount of sunlight they get. Still, different plants need different amounts of sunlight. Search for recommendations for your specific plants to ensure they won’t get too much. 

A qualified research paper writer won’t be against having a plant in his workplace as it improves focus and directly impacts the quality of the work.

Don’t Give Too Much Water

When the soil is dry, it’s time to water the plant. However, you shouldn’t use too much water because it won’t be healthy for the plant. Get yourself a moisture meter to measure the amount of water you bring to the plant. If you are not sure how much water your plant needs, monitor it. If the liquid is not absorbed properly, it means you have exceeded the needed level, and next time, you should give less water.

Specialists recommend using rainwater if possible. This water contains carbon dioxide. This component is essential for growth and proper oxygen release. Open the windows or place your plants outside if you live in a house. If the humidity level drops (for example, in the summer), you should increase the amount of water by giving more liquid than you usually do.

Another thing you should do is control the temperature. To let plants grow normally, it’s essential to always have the same temperature level. Usually, it’s around 65 and 85 degrees Fahrenheit. Don’t place plants near air vents, conditioners, or radiators.


lady holding big indoor plant
Picture by @rarefoliage


Repot Plants at the Right Time

To keep your plants healthy, you must occasionally remove them from pots. Flowers, especially the large ones, may overgrow their current pots, so the roots will have nowhere to go. Pick a deeper pot so the plant will feel more comfortable.  Check multiple niche-related stores, as they provide detailed descriptions for such products. You will understand what options will fit your plants the best. Moreover, the best option is not always the most expensive, so choose wisely.

Take the Dust off Your Houseplant

Some may not understand it, but dust is one of the biggest problems for plants. With a layer of dust on their leaves, they don’t get enough air and sunlight, directly impacting their health. Use a paintbrush to take the dust off, but if your plants are bigger, you may need a cloth.

Don’t Let Pets Crush Your Plants

Sometimes, people keep their plants on the floor, which is a mistake. Pets may not understand that these objects should not be touched, but they do it anyway. As a result, flowers or other plants fall out of their pots and get damaged. To avoid such cases, keep plants away from the spots your pets may appear. Moreover, some plants may be toxic for pets, so ensure they won’t contact or smell the flavor, leading to possible negative consequences (poisoning or even death).


Girl put plant on head
Picture by @isabella.bal


Pick Plants From Reliable Stores

If it’s your first plant parent experience, picking flowers or other plants at verified stores is essential. Avoid buying them at supermarkets. In such places, plants are usually stored in warehouses with no sunlight, so they look weak and unpresentable. Look for local plant stores, as they will offer more options and help you find the best plant you want for yourself.

Invest in Plant Care

Purchasing a high-quality spray, a soft cloth, or a soil care kit is a wise investment. If you want your plants to live longer and give you energy, you have to take care of them. High-quality equipment will simplify the process and make your plants look even better.

In specialized stores, look for plant care equipment. If you have large flowers or even trees, consider getting large-size tools. here read more about How To Prevent Heat Stress In Indoor Plants

Take Plants That Meet Your Life Schedule

Sometimes, plants feel bad, not because people don’t want to take care of them, but because they don’t have time to do so. Regularity is the key, and you should remember that when taking a plant from the store. The humidity level, the absence of dust on top of each leaf, and other points matter a lot. You should control everything and give your plants more water if they need it. For example, some should be watered once weekly, while others require daily liquid. Those plants that exist in a dry climate can be watered once per month. Traveling a lot is a nice option because you spill the water on the soil and go for a month. Later, when you return, it’s time to add water again.

Final Thoughts 

Taking care of plants is not an easy thing. You just have to understand what it needs and where to place it. For example, if the sunlight enters the room from multiple sides, you can decide where to place the pot. Also, check how often you need to add water and how much liquid is needed. It takes time, but your plants will thank you later once you do it.


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