One of the latest plant trends is hydroponics: plants with their roots in water. Without the need for soil. You not only enjoy the beautiful glass-plant combination, but you can also see the roots growing from all sides. Moreover, you hardly need to care for these plants. Here you can read how hydroponics work.
Hydroponics in Glass-Plant Combinations
Hydroponics is a method of growing plants without soil, using nutrient-rich water solutions. The plants are grown indoors, where the temperature, humidity, and lighting can be adjusted to maximize plant growth. Although many plants will root and grow well in just a glass jar and a little water, you can accelerate their growth with correct plant nutrition and adequate lighting. There are now many methods of not only growing plants but also studying them. You don't have to think and spend time doing tasks, just use assignment help UK.
That said, here are 10 hydroponic plants that are great for beginners in case you're just starting this new chapter of plants for your indoor spaces!
10 Plants That Can Grow in Water as Hydroponic Indoor Plants
Have you ever cut a plant? Then you probably already have experience with hydroponics. When you put the cutting in water, it can take root. You often pot this small plant afterward, but you can also let it grow further in the water. The plant then removes all nutrients from the water, so that it hardly needs any care. This applies to cuttings, but you can also put a complete houseplant in a large vase! Just make sure to change the water every two to four weeks and use a water-soluble fertilizer when necessary. So, which plants are suitable to grow in water as hydroponic plants? Check these 10 options out!
1. Spider Plant
Spider plants, with their arching leaves and white stripes, are relatively easy to grow in water. Baby spider plantlets are produced by the houseplant, which you can let dangle from long stems or snip off and share with friends. While they can tolerate lower light conditions, they tend to grow better and produce more vibrant foliage in brighter light. Avoid letting the leaves fall into the water!

2. Lucky Bamboo (Dracaena Sanderiana) Hydroponic Indoor Plant
This auspicious plant is said to bring good fortune to its grower. Despite its name, the striking spikes that protrude from lucky bamboo belong to the genus Dracaena, not the bamboo family. This hydroponic indoor plant prefers bright, indirect light, making a bold statement in home decor as well. It can become top-heavy, so make sure it's secure in your glass vase with stones or anything else decorative. These Lucky Bamboos also bring good luck and fortune.

3. Pothos Plant (Epipremnum Aureum)

4. Velvet Leaf Philodendron (Philodendron Micans)
Philodendron is a popular houseplant to grow in soil, but it also works well in hydroponic systems. This one specifically, also known as 'Velvet Leaf Philodendron', features small, dark green to reddish foliage that’s soft to the touch and almost seems to glisten in the light. It’ll root well and grow vigorously in water.

5. Coleus Plant
This easy-to-grow plant will thrive in water and is indeed considered a hydroponic indoor plant. A lot of gardeners prefer saving cuttings of coleus to begin new before the next growing season. Remove the lower leaves from a length of stem and put it in water for a few weeks, and you'll have a fully rooted plant. You can keep growing coleus in this manner or pot it in soil. Coleus thrives in both full sun and partial shade and grows equally well in containers and in the garden.

Photo: @theoliviabloom
6. Monstera Plant
Monstera, also known as the Swiss Cheese plant, is a stunning hydroponic plant. It has large, fenestrated leaves and can grow well in bright, indirect light. Making a dramatic statement when grown in water, be mindful of proper water quality and offer structural support as the plant grows.

7. Satin Pothos (Scindapsus pictus)
Another vining option is known as 'Satin Pothos' or 'Silver Philodendron'. It belongs to a genus called Scindapsus, despite its confusing common names. The plant’s vining nature and pretty silver leaf spots make it a great choice for a lovely hydroponic display. Also nice to create a jungle in your home.

8. Peace Lily (Spathiphyllum sp.)
One of the most popular choices for hydroponic growing. This tropical aroid is a classic houseplant due to its easy care and beautiful white flowers, and it will grow very well in water. Provide your Peace lily with bright indirect light plus extra nutrients and it’ll bloom almost year-round.
9. Arrowhead Plant
In terms of hydroponics, the arrowhead plant of the genus Syngonium is a rather popular hydroponic plant. If you put its roots in an aquarium, it'll grow beautifully for years despite not getting much light at all. The Arrowhead plant is an excellent decorative addition to any home decor style. Grow it in a beautiful terrarium, use it as a centerpiece on a coffee table, or place it on a shelf or reading desk- it'll look great.

10. Geranium (Pelargonium sp.)

Herbs as Hydroponics Growing in Water
The above list also includes a number of herbs that can be grown hydroponically: basil, lavender, rosemary, and sage. Good to know that these plants grow incredibly fast on water. So fast, in fact, that at some point they produce new leaves every day. Ideal for your kitchen!
What Do You Need?
To be able to take cuttings or plant a plant in water, you need the following:
- A clean vase
- A clean, sharp pruning shears (if you want to prune a plant)
- A plant or cutting
- Tap water with plant food or spring water
How Do You Proceed?
Firstly choose a stem that does not have a bud. Cut it to about 10-15 cm (depending on the size of the plant) and remove the lower leaves. Make sure to use clean scissors. Have you already brought home a cultivation dish? With this, you can easily propagate plants, seeds, and nuts in a glass of water, without it drowning in it. The top must be narrow enough so that only the bottom of the cutting is in the water. Another vase or bottle is also possible, as long as the top is narrow enough. Whatever you choose, make sure you clean it well in advance.
Secondly, fill the vase with spring water at room temperature. This contains important minerals that will promote growth. No spring water in the house? Then you can also use regular tap water with plant food. Replace it every month. You proceed by placing the cutting in the vase. Make sure only the bottom part is in the water. Place the plant in a light spot out of direct sunlight. Hydroponics or plants in water only, are easy to care for. You should have roots now.
Plants' Roots Have Grown - Place Your Plant in a Vase
Rinse the roots of the plant thoroughly to prevent the vase from becoming dirty. Just be careful not to damage the roots too much. Choose a vase that is suitable for your plant. A Monstera needs another vase than a sage or basil plant. Make sure you clean the vase well in advance. Following you fill the vase with spring water at room temperature. This contains important minerals that will promote growth. No spring water in the house? Then you can also use regular tap water with plant food. Now you can place the plant in the vase. Make sure only the roots are submerged. Replace the water every month with spring water or tap water with plant food.
Buy Hydroponic Plants
Does it seem a bit too much of a hassle to put or plant plants in the water yourself? Then you can also buy hydroponics ready-made.
