Floral design, like all other art forms, cannot exist without techniques. Literally speaking, they are the actions that transform any creative idea from a glimpse of imagination to a real-life product that we can feel, touch, see, and ultimately enjoy.
Techniques are vital decision-making factors in the total design process. They enable us to actually transform an idea into reality. The quality of the final outcome depends substantially on the quality of our choices as designers.
Technical Knowledge
By choosing the most suitable technique for the execution of the mechanics, the final result is substantially improved. The more technical knowledge you possess, your design possibilities become unlimited and this is mathematically proven, as there is a radical increase in the number of possible combinations between techniques, mechanics, materials, and botanicals. If you add to that, the elements and principles of design as possible truly get to the point we can safely say, they become infinite.
Different Teachers, Different Techniques, Different Interpretation
Inspirational techniques with inspiring uses of them. We have chosen 3 different techniques and 3 different designers to create and explain the process of working with a technique in a certain design in order to inspire you. The Fanzine features the design process and techniques used by Jorge Uribe, Francisca Perez, and Patti Bowman, EMC Teachers in a beautiful interpretation of a given technique for inspiration. How are you inspired by techniques?
Fanzine EDGE
Creativity is the ability to collect spare ideas and we strongly believe we need to change the idea of how we think about creativity, just as we need to change the way we see education. Creativity is about seeing the potential in each element, so the possibilities of combining them become infinite. The EDGE fanzine was created with that in mind. It offers the readers interesting information, meaningful content and innovative ideas, integrating them all into a distinct publication issued for the first time for the EMC Go Live event launch.