Flority Fair is the most quoted online florist in Italy. Using slow flowers its creative works for events, weddings and workshops have been quoted on international and national media’s ( Vogue etc) boosting small local markets realities with its down to earth philosophy that turns flowers accessible to any public. Giulia Giontella, young and ambitious entrepreneur is the mind of Pro Dry S.r.l., a Roman company that owns the Florityfair project, a project that in a few years has been able to carve out a front row position in the national panorama of the world of flowers. Giulia has a past as a lawyer and an international reporter in various countries of the world, but decides to return home after some experiences abroad, to pursue her biggest dream, to sell fresh seasonal flowers at km 0 online throughout Italy! Flority Fair is an e-commerce for the online sale of loose flowers or seasonal bouquets with a weekly or monthly subscription formula, floral arrangements for receptions, materials for florists, vertical gardens and much more. Giulia Giontella's idea starts from her need, a personal need to always have new and fresh flowers at home every week, to give herself something beautiful and make the apartments and the different rooms in which she has cozy, at a low cost. lived during work experiences abroad. While this need abroad has always cost her little, here in Italy it would not have been possible to satisfy the same desire at an affordable price. The Flority Fair project was born precisely to meet this need and to always have fresh flowers available at home at a reasonable price, thus transforming a service considered luxury into a healthy and good habit, natural, simple and low cost. The reduction of costs was possible by choosing only local flower producers as suppliers, thus avoiding foreign suppliers, who increase the export price with high prices, by sending a product with refrigerated transport via Amsterdam and which lasts much less than fresh flowers. The results of this choice are all in favor of a unique, seasonal, 100% natural product that does not undergo any kind of transformation and reaches the consumer directly in ecological bread bags.
Contact us
Flority Fair
Via di San Tommaso d'Aquino, 87, 00136 Rome, Rome, Italy
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