Jet Fresh Flower Growers grower on Thursd profile

Jet Fresh Flower Growers

Ecuador flag


Greenhouse - Year Round
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About Jet Fresh Flower Growers

Jet Fresh Flower Growers

Jet Fresh Flower Growers, S.A. is the boutique rose farm of Jet Fresh Flowers located in Cotopaxi, Ecuador producing over forty different varieties of roses, as well as color-enhanced designs. Located 2,896 meters above sea level, the roses we produce allow us to supply a wider inventory of quality Ecuadorian roses worldwide.

Fresh Premium Ecuadorian Roses

Ecuadorian roses are widely recognized and sought-after in the floral industry for their large heads and high petal count. The high altitude and optimal climate increases the growth and production cycle which produces longer, thicker stems and luscious foliage.

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Jet Fresh Flower Growers location

Jet Fresh Flower Growers Jet Fresh Flower Growers, Alaquez, Cotopaxi, Ecuador

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