
Rose Finally

Flower Roses

About Rose Finally

Romantic, sophisticated, and sensual, a sheer beauty with an intense crimson color that shades off to a darker tone.


Rose Finally

Rose Finally is a red velvety rose that is perfectly adapted to the Latin growers market.

Romantic and Sophisticated

Romantic, sophisticated, and sensual, a sheer beauty with an intense crimson color that shades off to a darker tone. Rose Finally speaks of love that awaits a passionate expression.

Rose Finally Care Tips

  • Use a clean vase
  • Flower food improves the life of your flowers significantly, and prevents the necks from bending
  • Cut a few centimeters off the stem at an angle to open the veins for absorbing water
  • Remove only the foliage at the bottom up to the point where the stem is in the water
  • Refill the water when it gets 'cloudy'
  • Keep the vase away from vegetables and fruits, because the ethylene gas produced by these will damage your flowers
  • Take dying flowers out, so they won't infect the others
  • Keep your flowers away from high temperatures and direct sunlight

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Rose Finally breeder

United Selections


Premier Rose Breeder

United Selections is a premier rose breeder with years of experience. Breeding and Selection of new rose varieties takes place in Kenya. We use test locations all over the world in Kenya, Ethiopia, the Netherlands, Ecuador, Colombia, Japan under different climate conditions at various altitudes to ensure presenting the best-adapted award-winning cut rose varieties. To optimize product quality in various markets, We have developed different product lines suitable for various markets and altitudes, which are released on a preferential basis. Our network of dedicated agents plays a vital role in our company; their involvement makes our company a healthy, inspirational, and thriving global organization.

Early Client Involvement

United Selections' success as a breeder is built on the results of its clients. That’s why we implemented the Early Client Involvement program, which allows us to select and breed varieties that will benefit everyone in the future. No matter the location, the doors of our global facilities are always open for our clients and relations, so give us a call to schedule an appointment.
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