Benefits of Plants
Why It Is Beneficial for Teachers and Classrooms to Include Plants Enhance classrooms with plants - discover 10 benefits for teachers and students.
Winning Strategies for Floristry Competitions
Winning Strategies for Floristry Competitions Join Karen Barnes' masterclass where she is sharing everything about her winning and most successful floral competition methods.
Floral Education
May 24 | 3 min read
New Purpose, Passion, and Inspiration Through Bloom Up From Tom De Houwer The perfect blend of self-discovery and floral skill mastery.
Floral Designs
Sep 10 | 3 min read
Flori cu Fitze Academy in Romania Not just a class, but a total experience
Sep 02 | 3 min read
Stacey Bal Creates Her Autumn Color Story A Masterclass tutorial with Virgin Farms' flowers.
Floral Designs Roses
Jul 29 | 2 min read

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