Senetti Pericallis
The Amazing Senetti® Experience these cool flowering plants that uplift your garden and patio, and will definitely brighten your day.
Granvia® Is the Epitome of Elegance and Luxury Discover this Xerochrysum plant, the 'flower with the crispy touch' and indulge in the essence of sophistication.
stardiva star lavender
Stardiva® Is Your New Garden Friend Make some room in your outdoors for these wonderful Scaevola aemula plants.
Sundaville Double Blush Pink
Sundaville® Double Blush Pink Is the Next Showstopper MNP / Suntory shows its commitment to quality, innovation, and beauty with the first price in the Fleurostar 2023 Awards.
surfinia petunia
Surfinia® Already Over 30 Years the Showstopping Petunia for Gardens and Streets With now over 1.500.000.000 Surfinia®'s from cuttings sold in Europe alone, you can read all about the revolutionary first trailing petunia brand on the market.
Plant Pioneers
The People of MNP / Suntory Are True Plant Pioneers Admiring their most famous brands, and reflecting on why they are rightfully called the plant pioneers, this breeding company is like an orchestra, playing a beautiful, ongoing symphony of floral wonders.

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