An Inspiring Visit to Bredefleur's Customers Day

The event was well-attended by more than 100 clients, including myself as both a consumer and an enthusiast.

By: PETER VAN DELFT | 17-05-2024 | 4 min read
Cut Flowers
Bredefleur Customers Day

Sometimes you come to a customer day and then you know it is something special. Something different. The people of Bredefleur understand how to make their customers come in great numbers. We all remember the #GrowYourOwn campaign Bredefleur did earlier, which also was a huge success. And now this customer day had over 100(!) visitors! Wow!

Let me take you to the day when Bredefleur opened its doors to its customers and other enthusiasts to celebrate the opening of its new greenhouse.

Bredefleur Is the Most Lovable Lily Grower

Founded in 1961 by Piet Evers, the Bredefleur company today is run by his 4 sons. And oooh, my days, how do these guys know to organize a customer day? This led to over 100 people attending Bredefleur's customer day in Moerkapelle this May 15th. The lily nursery, led by brothers Peter, Thomas, Levi, and Ruben, organized a festive event where visitors were given a tour of the nursery, culminating in a visit to the new greenhouse.

(Bredefleur currently produces approximately 21 million(!) stems per year, at the Moerkapelle and Luttelgeest locations.)


Levi Evers, sales and marketing manager Bredefleur, explaining to the customers their approach to processing lilies


From New Lily Varieties to Sustainable Cultivation

In this new greenhouse (trial) lily varieties were ready and Thomas Evers explained more about the innovation of the range. Ruben Evers demonstrated the new rolling tables on which the lilies are grown. Peter Evers explained as we moved along, how the nursery produces the lilies as sustainably as possible. He not only discussed the sustainability of the flowers themselves but also how the company works on a sustainable relationship with its employees.



During the tour, Levi Evers also told the customers everything about the processing of the lilies and his responsibilities concerning sales & marketing.


Peter Evers explains to the customers Bredefleur's sustainable growing.


Lilies, Lilies, and More Lilies

Bredefleur spans continents, sourcing bulbs from the Netherlands, New Zealand, and Chile. This global approach ensures a diverse array of varieties, each filled with unique characteristics and flavors. Bredefleur constantly expands its range, promising a future with double lily varieties; from double Asians to double Longiform and Oriental, the future is overflowing with possibilities!


Levi Evers, sales and marketing manager at Bredefleur


Bredefleur Partners and Collaborates

Bredefleur not only partners with floral designers around the globe through their initiative of BredeFleur Friends (BFF) of which you have seen a lot of stories on Thursd. They also collaborates with many traders and wholesalers such as Barendsen, Verbeek Export, and Hilverda De Boer. These collaborations exemplify a shared commitment to quality, innovation, passion, and love for lilies.

It is important to work closely with the direct buyers. In the end, they help to spread the 21 million stems around the globe!



Irene Slootweg of Hilverda de Boer with Lily Zelmira


Highlights of the Open Day at Bredefleur

One of the day's highlights was the moment the prices for the different buyers of the traders and wholesalers were given. The Golden Award went to Arjan van Oeveren of Duyvenvoorde Flowers & Plants. He achieved the best results and according to the people of Bredefleur, he has so much knowledge about the Bredefleur lilies, that he can immediately start as a cultivation specialist at the nursery!

Johan van der Werken from CJ Export reached second place and received the Silver Award. The third prize, the Bronze Award, went to Brian van der Hulst from Hilverda De Boer.

The highlight of my visit was the awarding ceremony for the #GrowYourOwn campaign from December 2023. Towards the end of December last year, customers signed up for the challenge to grow three lily bulbs of the variety Zelmira until its flowering stage either at work or home.



As more partnerships unfold, Bredefleur remains one of the most likable growers, which was very clear by the experience the visitors had during this enjoyable day. I certainly enjoyed this visit a lot, and if you are eager to know where I will go next, keep it Thursd not to miss any of my exploits and adventures.


Visiting Customers networking at Bredefleur's customer day


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Peter van Delft

I am always on the lookout for new flowers, specialties, novelties, and products coming into the season. Working in the Dutch flower industry enables me to see the prettiest flowers in the world, and I can say I really love it!

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