Commercial Bouquet's Secret Formula

These are the key elements to keep in mind when creating a commercial bouquet.

By: DMITRY TURCAN | 27-06-2022 | 2 min read
Floral Education Floral Designs
Secret Formula of the Perfect Commercial Bouquet - on Thursd - Header

A commercial bouquet has some characteristics and to be able to make it, a few key elements can be followed. But what about the prices and is it still possible these days to make a proper commercial bouquet? In Holland, flower prices have risen last years, depending on the type of flower. Many florists ask themselves sometimes: how to sell our bouquets? Who will buy them for such a price, especially now, during the crisis? After all, the clients have less money, but the requests remain the same.

A Commercial Bouquet

Keeping prices at the old level is not an option. So you can not only be left without revenue but also go into the red. We need to raise prices, but how can we do it right? To avoid such questions, you must clearly understand what a commercial bouquet is, according to what principles it is built on, and what you can save on while preserving the appearance and quality of the bouquet.  


Secret Formula of the Perfect Commercial Bouquet Dmitry Turcan Floral Arrangement on Thursd
All images @dmitryturcan


The 5 Key Elements of the Perfect Commercial Bouquet

Here are five elements to keep in mind when creating a commercial bouquet:

1. Ability to Create a Voluminous Bouquet Using a Minimum of Material

If the main thing for the client is size, choose not just large flowers, but those that, after opening, will give additional volume to the bouquet.

2. Combination of Different Colors, Textures, and Sizes

The correct proportions and arrangement of flowers make the bouquet pleasing to the eye and direct the eye along a predetermined path. You really want to look at such a bouquet, paying attention to every detail.

3. Color Accents to Create Tension

Use your ability to select matching colors in the correct proportion. When you are done, add a drop of red, crimson, and purple to your orange bouquet, for example and it will sparkle in a new way. That tension will make your bouquet sell better.



4. Different Types of Greenery and the Ability to Use it for Your own Purposes

When making a bouquet, it's important to have a good knowledge of all foliage and greenery. Understanding the functions of different types of greenery and the ability to use them in a good way will make all the difference. Sometimes the use in a decorative way can give that extra finishing touch.


5. The Ability to Mix Expensive Flowers With Cheap Ones

Understanding what flowers of the first, second, and third-order are and how to combine them with each other. If you know these principles and know how to juggle them easily, then you will be able to collect a spectacular bouquet for any price, even in conditions of a shortage or high cost of materials.



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Dmitry Turcan

Dmitry Turcan is a one of the most recognisable Russian-speaking floral artists. He is the founder of the online school of floristics Turcan International Flower School. Born into a family of florists, Dmitry from an early age began to absorb the culture of flowers and learned the basics of floristic art. His unique style began to emerge in Italy where he lived for 8 years. Western Europe taught him to create minimalistic and concise objects. The style started to evolve when he moved to Azerbaijan, chic and abundance were deeply valued in that culture. So this combination of incompatible — luxury and restraint — formed the basis of Dmitry’s style in floristry, in which he continues to improve today. A winner of many awards including Best in Show and Gold at the 2018 Singapore Garden Festival he was the designer who created the magnificent Lady Gaga floral piano.

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