Support for Floriculture During the COVID-19 Crisis

Why I join #flowers4oxygen.

By: MARCEL DE ROMPH | 25-03-2020 | 3 min read
Support for Floriculture

Many initiatives have started in support for floriculture the last couple of weeks. Many good initiatives to help everyone involved; florists, growers, traders, but also industries related to floriculture, like transport. I really believe that in order to make a real difference, an umbrella for all the initiatives is needed. I think #flowers4oxygen can be this umbrella.


I write this from the Netherlands where we have a semi-lockdown. Our office is locked, so we all work from home. Essential services to the public like hospitals, transport, gas stations, grocery stores remain open. Florists here are also still open and for a good reason; flowers make people happy and plants are healthy. Flowers and plants are what people need right now. Tell the right story, make sure people keep on buying flowers and plants, that is the support for floriculture what is needed. That is why I am involved in the project #flowers4oxygen.

Last Tuesday

For me #flowers4oxygen started when I woke up last Tuesday and realized I would be working from home in the next days, weeks, months(?). I usually have flowers and plants in my home, also now I have plenty of plants and a lovely mono bunch of white Baltica Chrysants. But I needed more to upscale my mood, so I called my local Florist if he was still open. He confirmed and I went there to pick a wonderful bouquet. I bought the flowers as a gift to myself. And a happy me, also means a happy florist, believe me.

Stokman Bloemenservice Aalsmeer and Marcel de Romph #flowers4oxygen
Four steps towards happiness: 1) pick a bouquet at your local florist 2) make the florist happy 3) bring the bouquet home safely 4) make yourself happy.
Roller coaster pandemy

This whole coronavirus is a roller coaster for everyone on this planet, especially for those who are closest involved. It looks like half the world is unemployed right now, while the other half works like crazy to be of service to everyone.

Flowers and plants do make a difference

People from inside and outside the floricultural sector are working hard as of this week to have the world understand the importance of flowers and plants for our health and well-being. A lot of florists, growers, and traders are busy to share their support for floriculture. Everyone on this planet should be more aware than ever before that flowers and plants do make a difference. Governments should embrace this message as well, especially when the whole world is in need for clean air.

And tomorrow?

My role in the project #flowers4oxygen is quite versatile. This morning I was offloading flower trucks from several growers for a giant floral artwork symbolizing two lungs at the famous Dutch flower garden Keukenhof - this would be the weekend of their grand opening. But, as you might understand, the park can't open. As so many other places.

#flowers4oxygen keukenhof drone Dronewatch filming the artwork after completion at Keukenhof

This afternoon I am writing the various texts for the website #flowers4oxygen, and the information sheets towards everyone who wants to join our movement. After all, marketing and business development is my trade. And tomorrow? Probably writing more for the just released website, socials and things called 'sell sheets' to have third parties tag along selflessly. We hope #flowers4oxygen will be spotted and picked-up around the world. We need everyone who loves flowers and plants to empower the message of flower power and green power that we are bringing. I firmly believe this will make the world not just a little better, but a whole lot better! 

Marcel de Romph profile picture
Marcel de Romph

In my view marketing revolves around knowing "why": Why does someone want something, search for something or do something? Knowing the answer to the “why” question enables you to serve a customer optimally. I want the customer to be so satisfied with his purchase and the service that he comes back time and time again.


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