Hi, my name is Max Snier and I’m a plant collector and also a plant seller. I started working with plants at an age of 15 years old at a local garden center. Now, at age 24, over 9 years later, I have my own online plant store with, in my opinion, the most beautiful rare houseplants in the world. I have specialized myself in rare and exotic plants in the Araceae (aroid) family. You probably know some aroids already, for example, the Monstera and the Philodendron. This family of plants had a huge popularity boost in the last 2 years and is still super popular. Lots of people are collecting, selling, and swapping these plants all over the world.
10 Most Wanted Rare Houseplants
A true plant lover will probably already know these beauties, but I will sum up 10 highly sought-after plants. All plants on this list are collector's items and not readily available. The plants are not in a particular order.
10. Variegated Monsteras
Everybody probably knows the monstera already but in the last 2 years, the variegated versions have become super popular! There are 2 types of variegated monstera’s the Deliciosa and the Borsigiana. But I will talk about that in a later article. There are currently 4 different variegated monstera Types that are highly sought after. These are: Monstera Albo Variegata, Monstera Aurea Variegata, Monstera Sport, and Monstera Thai Constellation.
Monstera Albo Variegata
The most common of them all is the Monstera Albo Variegata. These are currently grown by multiple growers in Holland and Belgium. These growers push out the majority of white variegated monsteras on the European market. Due to the slow growth of this plant and the high demand the prices are quite high for a plant with a couple of leaves. As of this moment, it's impossible to tissue culture these plants because variegation is a natural defect.

Monstera Thai Constellation
Monstera Thai Constellation, this plant is currently grown by a couple of growers in Holland. But they are super limited. The Thai Constellation originates from you guested it… Thailand. In Thailand, they have been produced for years in tissue culture. Due to the high demand, Thailand is not able to grow the numbers of plants the European and USA growers are asking for. This results in sky-high prices in Thailand and in other countries all over the world. There have been rumors about European and USA growers successfully producing Thai Constellations in their own tissue culture labs. It's waiting on the growers to roll out big amounts of these plants to satisfy the market, resulting in lower prices.
Monstera Aurea Variegata
Monstera Aurea, probably one of the most sought after variegated monstera’s. “Aurea” in Latin means “gold” so the plant has a little golden touch. As you can see this plant has beautiful gold/yellow variegation on its leaves, it's absolutely stunning in my opinion! These plants are currently not being produced on any scale. The only way to get these plants is from cuttings in people’s private collections or from plants that have been seed grown with a mega low % of having this type of variegation.
Monstera Sport
This Monstera is weird, the variegation on these plants appears green or light yellow. It is commonly referred to as Monstera sport. Just as the Monstera Aurea Variegata, these plants are not being produced on big scales. The only way to get these is through cuttings from existing plants.
9. Philodendron White Princess
The Philodendron White Princess has been around for quite some time in private collections through cutting. But they have hit the market this year in full big potted plants. Even though they are still pretty hard to find they have become easier to get a hold of. Their beautiful white speckled leaves are super recognizable for true plant lovers.
8. Philodendron Melanochrysum
This is probably the most sought-after climbing philodendron of 2020. One of the rare houseplants for sure. Its dark green leaves are just perfect. The Melanochrysum is a pretty easy Philodendron to grow indoors when you have it growing in a place with a little higher humidity. The leaves of this philodendron can become absolutely huge! There are plants in private collections and botanical gardens that sometimes can grow a leaf of over 1 meter long! Luckily these plants have become more available this year due to big-scale production in Holland, these plants will probably become more available in 2021.
7. Philodendron Gloriosum
Another absolute stunner! The Philodendron Gloriosum is known for its big heart-shaped velvet leaves with beautiful white veining. As you can see these plants can grow super big over time. This Philodendron prefers to crawl over climbing, so if you get your hands on one give it a nice pot to crawl in. Multiple growers in Holland and Belgium are currently working on mother plants of this Philodendron. This will result in a bigger availability of this plant in the coming years.
6. Anthurium Veitchii
The king Anthurium, A lot of people have searched for this rare houseplant this year that has resulted in a huge demand spike. As of this moment, no wholesale grower has sold them yet. The only way you could have obtained one this year is through importing the plant yourself or buying it from a private collector or grower. This Anthurium is wanted for its beautiful ruffled leaves and stunning appearance. Fun fact about this plant it does not require soil to grow. It prefers growing in sphagnum moss due to its epiphytic nature. In the wild, these plants grow in trees, on steep slopes, or on moss covered walls. The leaves can even grow over 1 meter tall!
5. Anthurium Warocqueanum
The Queen Anthurium is one of the most popular Anthuriums of 2020. Unfortunately as of this point not available in garden centers but rarely online. This plant originates from Colombia and is now grown in multiple South American countries and in Asia. The only way of getting these plants is eighter importing them from there or buying one from a European private collector. This anthurium is so popular due to its velvet leaves. Velvet leaves on an anthurium? Yes! It's stunning and worth wanting. Its appearance is almost something you can only imagine in a fantasy movie. Just check out its beauty!
4. Monstera Adansonii Variegata Archipelago
Probably one of the most wanted of the rare houseplants, and one of the most expensive Monsteras in 2020. This variegated monstera adansonii originates from Japan but is widely spread nowadays in Europe throughout multiple collections. A 1 leaf cutting with good variegation can set you back around €1500 in 2020, yep you did read that correctly… These plants are currently not being produced on a mass scale because they are so rare. The plants also cannot be produced in tissue culture because the variegation is not stable. The only way of propagating these plants is through cuttings. This plant will probably be still worth a lot in the coming few years but it will eventually go down when more and more people get their hands on one.
3. Monstera Obliqua Peruvian Form
For most people, this is the holy grail of rare houseplants, and for sure the most special and rare of the Monsteras. This is probably on your nr 1 Wishlist spot when you’re collecting monsteras. Originally from Peru, but now found in multiple collections throughout Europe. The only way of getting the plant is from a collector. A cutting of this plant can easily set you back a few thousand euros. A true unicorn in the plant world
2. Philodendron Pink Princess
A PINK PLANT? Yep! It exists, unfortunately, they are still rare. Luckily, these will be more available in 2021 because multiple growers are working hard on propagating their mother plants. For every plant collector, this is a real eye-catcher. Everyone will notice this plant in your living room when they visit.
1. Variegated Syngonium
Variegated Syngoniums really took off this year, there are so many different types, it's almost a bit overwhelming. From white variegation till pink variegation, it exists. Just check out this variegated Syngonium for example. Luckily Syngoniums are easy to propagate so they will become way more available in 2021. A lot of growers are now growing a large amount of Variegated Syngonium mother plants for 2021. Just look at this sea of white variegated Syngonium.