Yes! This is great. Visiting freesia nursery Hofland Flower Group was terrific. I talked to Erik Hofland, a co-owner with his brother Marinus. Marinus is responsible for growing the flowers and the staff, and Erik does all the other stuff, like sales.
Hofland Flower Group
Already in 1975, this nursery grew Freesias. Erik joined his father in the company in 2001. In 2004 they had five hectares with freesias (double and single flowers ones), and in 2022 they started with cut kalanchoe, which is now 1 hectare. The Hofland Flower Group nowadays is a leading nursery and marketing organization of high-quality cut kalanchoes and freesias and has its own cut kalanchoes and freesia brands and concepts. It does so under the private labels Ezy Kalanchoe and Freesia Finest.
Freesias are popular during weddings and anniversaries. The freesia flower hails from South Africa. In around 1850, the bulbs of a sweet-smelling freesia were brought from the Cape of Good Hope to Britain. It was not popular among growers at the time. The turn of the century brought about a certain change when a certain man named Armstrong brought the deep pink Kew freesias to the country which immediately became popular among local growers. The Freesias we see today have been crossed by different naturalists leading to hybrids in a wide range of colors. Bos flower bulbs en P. Hofland are the only two commercial breeders left. They succeeded in creating heavy stems with large flowers. (originally all freesias were very short, with very small flowers.

Freesia flowers are zygomorphic, meaning the flowers grow only on one side of their stalks. The flowers can have single or double petals that bloom in a Y shape. The plant has delicate flowers with a silky texture. It also has a strong yet tender scent like that of a rose. Freesia Peachy Queen, with double flowers and salmon color, is Erik's favorite.
Freesia Finest
This is Hofland Flower Group’s private label for freesias. It originated from the idea that the freesia market can still grow through inspiring marketing concepts and private labels, but that these opportunities in the regular flower chains are insufficiently seen and utilized. With Freesia Finest, the Hofland Flower Group focuses on retailers and out-of-home in Western Europe, England, Eastern Europe, the Nordics, and Russia.
Ezy Cut Kalanchoe
This is Hofland Flower Group’s private label for kalanchoes. It originated from the idea that you want to enjoy flowers for as long as possible without too much hassle. Many flowers stay good for a little longer than a week, but then start to wilt. Even if you cut flowers properly, give them nutrients, change the water often, and put them in a good place. Wouldn’t it be nice if you had an affordable bunch of flowers that would last for weeks without having to worry? And if flower shops didn’t have to throw away so many flowers due to poor transport? That’s why Ezy cut kalanchoe was introduced by Hofland Flower Group.
From Madagascar
The Ezy cut kalanchoe is perhaps the easiest flower in the world because the kalanchoe flower is a special shoot from a succulent family from Madagascar. As a result, it is very strong, has good availability, and hardly needs water. In addition, it has strong dark green stems, intensely colored leaves, and a very long flowering period. Just put the Ezy cut kalanchoe in a vase with a little water and you simply don’t have to worry about it. You do, however, enjoy weeks of pleasure from a beautiful bunch of flowers. That’s why we give a month‘s freshness guarantee on the Ezy cut kalanchoe.
Proud Grower?
Yes, particularly about the absolute top quality of the flowers being produced. Erik:
"Our quality, the vast assortment, and of course, all our happy customers. That's what makes us very proud!"
Because they deliver custom orders, the best quality, and easy logistics with fast deliveries, the trade is very happy with this grower. Hofland Flower Group is a commercial enterprise but it believes that value creation goes beyond just volume and margin targets and serving the different markets well. Proper care for people and the planet is also important. Hofland Flower Group also seeks to create and guarantee greater sustainability throughout the chain because, in addition to a beautiful world, Hofland Flower Group also wants a better world.
Hofland Flower Group is a member of decorum. Growers affiliated with Decorum are carefully selected. Quality and innovation are central themes in this process. Growers are second to none in understanding what it takes to grow flowers and plants of the highest possible quality. Hofland Flower Group packs and sorts exclusive and high-profile varieties for Decorum. You can read about Hofland Flower group Joining Decorum here.