Yellow roses are calling you and you know it. It's time to add some happiness, sunshine, joy, and spice to the heating summer days with a dose of yellow Basanti roses. Summer breezing and easing begins with a simple choice: getting your all-time favorite yellow Basanti roses that can easily eye-catch and mesmerize everyone that sees them. Yellow rose Basanti is a variety that is created by breeder De Ruiter and is ready to make an entrance in 3,2,1!
Rose Basanti: Yellow, Vibrant, and Premium
Is there any better combo than this? Striving for perfection, Rose Basanti by De Ruiter surprises everyone every time even more. Her whimsical beauty stuns upon seeing her for the first time, but as if this weren't enough, have you actually zoomed in to see the incredible, tropical, yellow sunshine color it portrays? De Ruiters notes that rose Basanti is a very special variety given its incredible versatility at the time of creating floral arrangements or bouquets, but its high-quality characteristics definitely make it a premium option when it comes to choosing roses.
Grower Bliss Flora Ltd. Is Very happy With the Variety
Bliss Flora Ltd, a rose farm based in Njoro, Kenya has been growing Basanti since 2018. Initially, this grower had limited volumes to supply. It was sold in the direct markets and on RFH auctions occasionally. Last year, Bliss planted more Basanti to fulfill the market demand as many of his customers like it. Sachin Appachu of Bliss talks about how the rose opens up to show the filled heart of the rose, keeping the very bright color.
"Most roses when they open become a bit paler in their color when the flowers are opening. Not with Basanti, as the colors stay very bright yellow. Not a single day this rose has let me down."
There might be one little negative thing about this variety. When the flowers are offered to trade, they don't show their potential. It doesn't show that the buds are filled with so many petals. Sachin continues:
"But we know from experience that once people see how this rose opens they will never stop buying it! French floral designer Gaétan Jacquet told us: 'Les roses jaune sont splendides', -which translates to that they are really great!"
Basanti Is a High Yield Rose
With a high yield of between 120 and 130 stems per square meter, this rose is very interesting to grow. Also to the fact that just a very few are 40 cm in height. The majority of the production is 60 to 70 cm and some 50 cm and 80 cm, so perfect for the floral designers.
Rose Basanti Bud Size and Vase Life
The Basanti yellow roses' spotlight lies directly on the large bud size, a filled bloom, and great stem length, making this rose variety one of the floral designer's favorites nowadays. You can read more about some other great roses, including the rose Basanti in this article: '8 Kenyan Roses from de Ruiter You Will Love'.
The yellow Basanti rose is your call to use for flower creations and bouquets or to have at home on a hot, sunny summer day. Remember, a great summer starts with yellow Basanti roses! The breeder, De Ruiter, mentions this rose variety has a very scrumptious opening in the vase, with around 14-18 days of vase life. This can only mean that yellow Basanti roses will keep you longer company during those long summer days, even to see the sunset and enjoy hues of yellow and orange colors all around.

Symbolism Behind the Yellow Basanti Rose
One thing's for sure, the yellow Basanti will get you feeling right and energized to enjoy the lovely and breezy summer days ahead. But there's an essential meaning behind every single flower, and knowing what your Basanti roses symbolize is important as well!

Basanti is an Indian name meaning "girl born during the spring" which in turn does mean that Basanti roses are created and born during the spring to later bloom during the summer season. But wait, don't forget about the symbolism behind yellow roses as well! Joy, happiness, sunshine, and friendship are just some of the words behind the alluring beauty of Basanti roses.

De Ruiter Is The Official Yellow Rose Basanti Breeder
De Ruiter was founded more than a century ago and had been working continuously on the breeding and improvement of the rose as a product. De Ruiter was originally a family business and has since grown into an organization of international renown in the breeding and propagation of numerous varieties of roses.

De Ruiter has developed breeding programs for cut roses, hip roses, Freiland roses, pot roses, patio roses, and garden roses. The key aspects are plant health, productivity, uniformity, transport properties, colors, cultivation technology, environmental requirements, and longevity.