Dümmen Orange Introduces Rose Snowstorm+

Why this is the best white rose from Africa

By: THURSD. | 09-12-2020 | 4 min read

There are a lot of reasons why Dümmen Orange is so proud of this new Snowstorm+ rose. Without being too modest they nickname it 'The Power Rose'. The large-scale introduction is planned for the third week of 2021. Dümmen Orange Introduces Rose Snowstorm+

A Force of Nature

Just close your eyes and picture a snowstorm. What do you see? What do you experience? It's probably a strong and pure white force of nature with amazing strength. An irresistible white color that one simply cannot ignore. Don't fight it, just enjoy this snowstorm, because it is a beautiful rose, and you can control it.

The Name of the Rose

The name of a rose is always something to consider well when you want the whole world to understand instantaneously what they can expect. In that perspective, 'Snowstorm+' is the perfect name for a white flower with all its qualities and applications. So, does this image of this snowstorm match the qualities of this new rose? Niels Pennings, Account Manager Roses at Dümmen Orange, surely does: "Absolutely, Snowstorm+ is a classic and elegant rose, yet very strong and very white!" Rokus Hassefras, Marketing Manager at Dümmen Orange, explains the philosophy behind the name Snowstorm+': "When the rose opens, you will notice the incredibly white color. Next to that, the rose is very strong, both during transport and in water. The rose has a very long vase life. In our campaign, we want to express that with this tough man in the snow holding a bunch of Snowstorm+ roses." Dümmen Orange Introduces Rose Snowstorm+

A Snowstorm in Africa?

For a rose to thrive, it is very important to be grown in the right place. It may sound quite funny, that a Snowstorm+ is grown in Africa, but there is a really good reason to chose Kenya. Rokus Hassefras: It is seldom that a rose variety grows well in all three major growing areas (Netherlands, Africa, and South America). This has to do with factors such as altitude, climate, and temperature. Snowstorm+ is a typical African rose. Therefore, to put this rose well into the market we cooperate with two quality partners, Kenyan grower Rift Valley Roses, and distributor Fresco Flowers. Niels Pennings adds: "During the breeding, we have noticed that this rose grows perfectly in Africa, where Rift Valley is located at 2,300 meters altitude. Here we have seen a perfect proportion between the bud and the stem. The head is big, 4.5 to 5 cms, and the stem size goes up to 70 cms."


When you import flowers from far away, you must be sure that they are transport proof. Snowstorm+ definitely passes the test. Niels Pennings: "We have tested this thoroughly, and seen that this rose is easy to transport and arrives well in the box. The strong petals are not vulnerable to bruising, unlike many other white flowers. That's why this is the best white rose from Africa."

Florists Will Be Happy

The rose Snowstorm+ is presented as a real florist rose, so with a big head and longer stems than your average rose from Africa. Niels: "Snowstorm+ has almost no thorns. Therefore, the stems create hardly or no damage to the leaves within the bunch. This will make it so much easier to work with for both unpackers, transporters, and florists. There are more reasons why particularly florists will be happy working with rose Snowstorm+. One of these is that the rose is very easy to open. Rokus: "The petals open up when you blow gently into the bud from above. This is a trick that many florists know. The rose then opens beautifully."

Snowstorm+ is a great event rose, but also very suitable for at home. Rokus: "Staying at home, and making this nice and cozy, 'cocooning', is trendy, especially this year. Snowstorm+ fits well in this picture. It brings a wonderful match with almost every style and decoration. The soft white shade combines well with other flowers in mixed arrangements. It's the perfect rose to get your creativity going, always delivering with its cool vigor."

Growers Will Be Happy

Also the grower will be happy because Snowstorm+ will keep its stem size over time. Niels: "Usually, roses lose length over the years, this one doesn't. We expect the majority of the Snowstorm+ to be 60 or 70 cms tall, which is quite extraordinary for an African rose." Dümmen Orange Introduces Rose Snowstorm+

The Rose with a Plus

Snowstorm+ has the well-known + in its name that you know from global top breeder Dümmen Orange. All new varieties from Dümmen Orange have this plus in their name. Which florist or designer isn't familiar with rose Avalanche+, Talea+, or Tacazzi+? Snowstorm+ follows in that tradition.

The Introduction

The introduction of Snowstorm+ is planned for the third week of January 2021. Niels Pennings: "The rose was planted during the regular planting season, and we have used the first cutting to analyze this flower. In January we have the second cutting, which is always more stable in quality than the first cutting. So, therefore, we chose week 3 of the new year for the premiere."

Dümmen Orange Introduces Rose Snowstorm+
Niels Pennings and Rokus Hassefras


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