Flores El Capiro - Leading Sustainable and Innovative Processes in the Chrysanthemum Industry

At first encounter, you would not believe what the new machine, 'Ellepot by Capiro', is capable of achieving when it comes to sustainable processes at the farm.

By: THURSD. | 04-09-2024 | 5 min read
Remarkable Sustainability Chrysanthemums
El Capiro

If you're wondering what taking the lead on sustainable matters, processes, and machines looks like, you're about to get a full idea from Flores El Capiro. They are true masters when it comes to leading sustainability at their farms, including their iconic 'Ellepot by Capiro', the newest and most powerful machine designed to offer maximum reliability, flexibility, and adaptability in the propagation of Chrysanthemums. In a recent visit to their farms, Melissa Maingot and Shallima Turizo were able to see this and much more at the forefront at the 137-hectare farm.

The Importance of Leading the Floral Sector With Sustainable Practices and Innovation by Flores El Capiro

El Capiro, recognized as the largest producer of Chrysanthemums in Colombia, not only stands out for its production capacity but also for its firm and very serious commitment to sustainability and innovation. Their business procedures, standards, operations, and everyday hard efforts (moved by the thousands of workers at their different farms) come to show the power that lies in their space to grow, cultivate, and bring sustainable matters as one of their biggest and core values at the moment.


Sorting Chrysanthemum cuttings
Sorting Chrysanthemum cuttings at Capiro


El Capiro painted wall at the farm
A colorful painted wall symbolizing their love for Chrysanthemums and the employees that make up El Capiro


This company, located in the heart of Rionegro, Antioquia, has positioned itself at the vanguard of the industry by being the first in the world dedicated to the production of Chrysanthemums to obtain the prestigious B Corp Certification. Hard work pays off and this is exactly what you can see when visiting the farms. Dedicated workers, talented teams, and the endless love for sharing high-quality, gorgeous chrysants around the world are what perfectly describe the entire team!


Chrysanthemum processes and greenhouse at El Capiro
Part of Capiro's Chrysanthemum greenhouses and a dedicated worker placing cultivated varieties in a new type of tray that supports their automated process for sorting and planting each cutting in a designated place


Sorting Chrysanthemum trays in greenhouses


Pioneers and Expert Developers in Sustainability

Being a B Corp-certified company means that El Capiro is part of a global community of companies that meet the highest social and environmental impact standards. This certification endorses its dedication to sustainability and leadership in a global movement toward a more inclusive, equitable, and regenerative economy.


Capiro worker admiring white Chrysanthemums


When you stroll through their farms, you can notice that sustainability is a priority that is reflected in every part of their tasks and procedures. Whether it be at the start of the chain or the very end, it is a concept that has been explored and tested, to deliver some of the best Chrysanthemums in the world. But that's not all!


Melissa and Shallima at Flores el Capiro
Melissa and Shallima visiting one of their biggest Chrysanthemum farms in Rionegro


As if you could not be more impressed, the company has incorporated innovative practices to combat climate change, ensuring that natural resources are managed, conserved, and improved efficiently for future generations. In addition, the social responsibility towards its employees and nearby communities is a fundamental pillar, focusing on promoting sustainable development and improving the quality of life of those who are part of its ecosystem.


Worker at el Capiro surrounded by Chrysanthemums


Sustainable Development in Action Through Their Newest Ellepot Machine

During their visit to the impressive farm in Rionegro, Melissa and Shallima had the privilege of seeing the operation of the one and only Ellepot machine close and upfront, thoroughly explained by an expert technician in this area. The Ellepot is their most recent acquisition which is revolutionizing their production operations. It is an addition that has implemented a 360-degree transformation when it comes to their processes.

Currently, the team is working on transmuting the manual work into a more automated process using this machine. Imported from Denmark, these machines are designed to offer maximum reliability, flexibility, and adaptability in the propagation of chrysants.


Ellepot Machine by El Capiro
Different parts of the Ellepot machine and what it can do for sustainability initiatives and practices for the farm


With over twenty years of design and manufacturing experience, the machine is known for its adjustable solutions, integrating advanced technology, automation, and mechanization into one system. During the visit, they both witnessed the enthusiasm and satisfaction of the employees, who not only value the efficiency of these machines but are also motivated by the positive, curious, and innovative working environment they have helped to create.

Every person who visits El Capiro and sees the machine instantly has a desire to know more, more, and more! The smiles and positive comments heard during the visit reflect how well this innovation has been received, not only improving production but also boosting the well-being and morale of the entire team.

A Strong and Firm Promise Towards a More Sustainable Future

El Capiro’s devotion and allegiance go beyond technology; it is about its people, its community, and the taking care of the environment in which people work every day. The company is determined to continue moving forward on a more sustainable and equitable path, working side by side with its employees, customers, and the community at large.


Dedicated worker in post harvest at El Capiro


This comprehensive approach ensures that they not only remain a leader in Chrysanthemum production but also set the standard for a more responsible and conscious flower industry.


Yellow Chrysanthemums grown at El Capiro


They are an example of how innovation and sustainability can go hand in hand to create a positive impact at all levels, from the most advanced technology to the face of each person who is part of the team. To know more about their social and sustainable initiatives, make sure to visit El Capiro's website.


Photos by @floreselcapiro.


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