Shallima in Dianthus Week
Dianthus Week - A Must-Attend Event to Experience Floral Novelties and Innovation I invite you to keep reading and join the fabulous day I had with the HilverdaFlorist team.
Born Free roses
A Week Among Roses - My Experience With Rose Born Free During my visits, I was able to experiment with its versatility and contribute with my own ideals and ideas in an effort to enhance its use in different markets.
Jan 22 | 4 min read
Shallima with lavender alstroemerias
The Dialogue Between Flowers and Interior Design See the result of this design by Shallima Turizo fused with Carla Gianella's passion for interior designs for Sierra Muebles Colombia.
Floral Designs Flowers
Dec 26 | 3 min read
Garden Rose Experience
A Memorable Encounter - The Ongoing Legacy of Garden Roses at Alexandra Farms During this experience we had a floral blast while scenting some of the most divine garden roses and learning from a renowned floral designer. Join me to know who!
Where Trends Meet Tradition - Discovering De Ruiter’s Roses at the IFTF De Ruiter's booth this year was a must-stop visit, as the eye-catching warmth of their display was themed Christmas.
Floral Events
Nov 13 | 2 min read
Continental Breeding roses
A Leading Spanish-Colombian Grower Alliance Par Excellence These two companies give a fresh perspective to rose breeding to keep strengthening Latin America’s presence in the global floral market.
Flowers Roses
Nov 08 | 4 min read
Sunrite Ecuadorian Farm visit Shallima feature
Sunrite - An Ecuadorian Farm That Exemplifies Tradition, Innovation, and Passion in Rose Production My visit to one of their three farms only confirmed that first impression: a family business that has adapted to market demands without losing sight of its core values.
Alexandra Farms garden roses in various colors
Four Visually Pleasing Color Palettes That'll Enhance Floral Designs Using Garden Roses If you're not sure what colors and garden rose varieties to combine, this guide by Alexandra Farms will help you.
Floral Education Roses
Sep 18 | 4 min read
Rubiela Zapata
The Flowering of Female Power - Colombian Women in the Floral Industry Women come in strong in this interview, where they share more about their trajectory. Know about their inspiring stories in this article.
Sep 18 | 10 min read
Shallima at Deliflor
Medellin in Bloom - My Insider View of the Fabulous Chrysanthemum Week Every open house that I visited during this special week made me wish they lasted longer. Here are a few colorful and flourishing pictures that'll tell you more about these amazing days.
Sustainability at Capiro
Flores El Capiro - Leading Sustainable and Innovative Processes in the Chrysanthemum Industry At first encounter, you would not believe what the new machine, 'Ellepot by Capiro', is capable of achieving when it comes to sustainable processes at the farm.
Shallima with chrysanthemum
Unusuality and Passion Seen at Floritec's Festival of Flowers I was surprised to discover that, despite being one of the youngest breeders, they have a wide selection of chrysanthemum varieties that meet all the needs of the market.

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