Schoneveld Breeding breeder on Thursd profile

Schoneveld Breeding

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About Schoneveld Breeding

Schoneveld Breeding

Schoneveld Breeding specializes in breeding cold-loving pot plants such as cyclamen, primula, ranunculus, and campanula. This company is a major player in these product groups with offices in the Netherlands and Tanzania. Strong genetics, sharing expertise, and constant innovation are the foundations of its success.

High Ornamental Value

Schoneveld creates strong varieties with high ornamental value and long flower life. It supplies products and services to specialized growers and growers of young plants all over the world. Its services go much further than just supplying the seeds. A high-quality product is a prerequisite, but not a distinctive quality. For this reason, Schoneveld works together with the entire chain.

The Grower on Center Stage

In this, Schoneveld puts the grower center stage and provides support in the form of growing recommendations, and marketing and sales support. The aim is to make an inspiring contribution to consumers' living environment and enjoyment. This is done by establishing specific product-grower-market combinations.

Schoneveld Breeding has an ambitious policy regarding its employees, innovations, and sharing of knowledge. Naturally, sustainability is part of its policy. The primary pillars of its policy are commitment to business operations, collaboration, personal development, and breeding new varieties with lower environmental impact.

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Schoneveld Breeding location

Schoneveld Breeding Schoneveld Breeding, Sluinerweg 15, 7384 SC Wilp, Netherlands

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