Bougainvillea, Such a Drama Queen of a Flower

A surprising new dried flower

By: POPPYKALAS | 26-08-2020 | 1 min read
Bougainvillea, Such a Drama Queen of a Flower

When speaking of creating emotions with arranging flowers; this specific flower is a perfect example of how flowers create feelings of summer and holidays in the south of Europe. It’s just such an extravagant flower which we are used to letting participate in a big, collective form. A form that takes our breath away and brings us right back to that summer evening walking in the streets of a charming city in the south of Europe.

Summer Feelings with Dried Flowers

Bourgainville, Such a Drama Queen of a Flower - Thilde and colored bourgainville
Thilde of Poppykalas - surrounded with dried and dyed bougainvillea

  Quote Poppykalas about Bourgainville                 Besides this dried summer beauty, we have also seen pampas grasses and lagurus as surprising new, dried flowers by Greenflor. I see a bright future for this drama queen of a flower. We welcome you, bougainvillea!   Bourgainville, Such a Drama Queen of a Flower - Thilde and pink bourgainville

Floral Bath Exhibition

The dried bougainvillea flower is used in the biggest and wildest floral installation ‘The Bougainvillea Coral Reve’ of the Floral Bath Exhibition by Poppykalas. This installation is made with dried bougainvillea flowers, which the audience absolutely adores. I think they bring the summer holiday in Italy they missed out on this year close to them or just the fascination with the otherworldly flower. I had a bride to be with her parents coming in and they were moved by it because her grandfather was the first person to import bougainvillea to Denmark from Crete.  

The symbolic meaning of bougainvillea changes from one area of the globe to another but the majority claims it stands for a sign of welcoming visitors and beauty.


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