Bubbles Spray Roses All the Way

There's a perfect Bubbles for every florist

By: ALINA NEACSA | 26-05-2021 | 2 min read
Floral Designs Roses

Who doesn’t love roses? My God, I love working with good quality roses and if I can get a peony or garden-shaped rose as a bonus, I’m all in! As a florist, I need good quality flowers; flowers that stand out and invite customers into my shop. As a flower wedding designer, things are even more complicated because I need to add creativity to quality.

Florists Need Good Quality Flowers

I don’t like adding too many flowers or different textures to my designs. I usually keep them simple yet complicated at the same time, using one strong flower and putting it in the center of attention. The Three Musketeers created by De Ruiter - an organization with international fame in the field of breeding and propagation of all types of roses - are a great example of strong focal flowers and are a delight to work with.   Bubbles Spray Roses All the Way De Ruiter Alina Neacsa

Misty Bubbles, Sweet Bubbles, and Romantic Bubbles

Misty Bubbles has a great peony shape and for a spray rose, it's incredibly strong. It also shines through its nice purple metallic color and multiple big heads. On one single stem, you get multiple big inflorescences (7-8 cm diameter) which makes this spray rose a must-have for a flower shop. Due to the splendor of the branches, a bouquet of these spray roses looks spectacular and at the same time gentle. The Bubbles spray roses have a great vase life of 8 to 10 days and they're available on the market in 60- 80 cm length.   Bubbles Spray Roses All the Way Spray Rose Misty Bubbles   Sweet Bubbles is also a beautiful strong spray rose that I would normally use in flower bouquets, but not today. Today I was determined to create an unexpected vintage luxury rose garden that can make a wedding more interesting. So my spray roses selection: Misty Bubbles, Sweet Bubbles, and Romantic Bubbles, helped me design this space full of life.   Bubbles Spray Roses All the Way Spray Rose Sweet Bubbles   The Romantic Bubbles spray rose is delicate. It’s a great spray rose to be used in a bridal bouquet. The peach salmon color of this variety makes it a suitable one for summer light designs.   Bubbles Spray Roses All the Way Spray Rose Romantic Bubbles

De Ruiter's Bubbles Collection

Looking deeper into De Ruiter's Bubbles spray roses collection, they have approximately 40 varieties with different shapes and colors, and for sure every florist can find the perfect Bubbles. All the roses I’ve tested so far from the Bubbles collection have strong stems, large inflorescences, a great vase life ( 8- 12 days), no scent, moderate thorns (Misty, Romantic, and Sweet), and a 60-80 cm stem length. I'm looking forward to trying new assortments but in the meantime, I’m inviting you to my vintage, luxury urban garden, that you can enjoy in the video below.     A warm hug from Romania, Alina Neacsa

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Alina Neacsa

Passionate Romanian flower designer Wedding designer⚜️ Trainer for new florists⚜️ Luxury wedding Florist⚜️ Influencer⚜️Traveler⚜️

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