Check out what's new, what's hot, and what's special in my world of outdoor plants.
What's the news in my life of licensing plants? That's what I would like to show you on Thursd. I am Peter van Rijssen and I am in touch with many plant breeders for the companies Concept plants and Plantipp. I show you on Thursd about my world. We always try to look for - and work with - really special new selections. We only license new varieties that really offer something new, and really are an enrichment for the assortment of outdoor plants. Enjoy my third blog on Thursd. In this blog, I'd like to give you an oversight of the game changers of the last period, and of which I think is of great interest for flower- and plant lovers all over the world.🚨 Game Changer Alerts !! 🚨

Game Changer 1: 🎊🎊 Let's Party 🎊🎊 with Confetti 🎉
Not 10, not 100 but 1000's of flowers on this mass planting with Hydrangea Confetti. In this garden, the owner planted over 500 plants in his front garden and it is a BIG Flower Party! When you walk or watch there, you hear the bees buzzing! Confetti is a pollinator-friendly plant because of the fertile flowers which are lightly scented too. A picture tells a 1000 words but a video tells a 1000 pictures! So I included both. Here's the Video: "Hydrangea Confetti has a compact growing habit too and as you can see it flowers on every stem. Super easy plant! Flower 💪POWERRRRRR💪 with Hydrangea Confetti! Enjoy your days and 🎉let's party🎉! This has all been arranged by Verpaalen-Herijgers. Thanks for all the work & efforts Verpaalen-Herijgers team!"Game Changer 2: 👌My BEST video ever!👌
🐝Drunken bees!🐝 Can you imagine that? One of my hobbies is taking slowmotion videos of bees & butterflies. One of the new Gaillardia varieties im evaluating in my garden. This is the new JACKPOT Gold from RickGrazzini GardenGenetics Plant Breeding which will be introduced in Europe in the near future. About these Gaillardia varieties:"They are 💪flower power💪 machines! I never had such a plant that is so thankfull to perform! 150+ days non-stop flowering with zero maintenance! Ok that is something for the future to tell more about. However here you see how much these bees are loving the Jackpot Gold! I can watch this time after time! Enjoy!"
🚨Game Changer Alert Numero Tres🚨
Here is the world's first natural dwarf hydrangea paniculata 👻LITTLE SPOOKY👻 These are grown by Nursery Lucassen from Vorden. They grow these in 1,5L and 3L containers. 👻LITTLE SPOOKY👻 is proudly bred by Guido Rouwette and it this video you can see why this is a true 😎game-changer."In comparison to the Lime variety, Little Spooky has shorter internodes, very stiff strong habit (does not flop), white flower and I believe Little Lime has lime-green flowers. Little Spooky also flowers in 1,5L container."
Another Insane Game Changer
Hydrangea paniculata Hercules (‘GRHP14’PBR). This is a Novelty for 2020, I 'borrowed' Franciscus van de Wiel's text from Facebook:"Hydrangea pan. Hercules is named after the Greek hero Hercules, known for the 12 difficult works he had to perform. The work of breeder Guido Rouwette was also difficult: developing a strong paniculata with huge, dense flower plumes on strong stems. And he succeeded! Hercules has huge, full flower plumes with lots of flowers. The flowers are white-green with a pink blush."
"In addition, Hercules also gives a lot of flowers. This plume hydrangea becomes approx. 1.5 – 2m high and wide and is very suitable for in the shrub border, for mass planting or for on balcony or terrace. Hercules likes a spot in the sun or semi shade. Hardy to -30 ºC."

👌 Best New Plant 👌Game Changer nr. 5
Echinacea Pretty Parasols Best new plant at the spirit of FOUR OAKS Trade Show 2020. There are many Echinacea varieties on the market. However Jan Spruyt from Spruyt Select is always on the look out for varieties that has garden performance year after year! He prefer plants that has a robust habit and that has impact in every garden! That is the case with this new Echinacea Pretty Parasols.BIG parasol-type flowers
✅Bicolored flowers ✅Clean green foliage ✅Long bloom season, blooming all summer long ✅Water-saving plant, drought resistant ✅Year after year performance ✅Biodiversity, pollinator-friendly ✅Strong upright stems ✅Climate proof plant
🚨Game Changers Alert of this Week!🚨
Worlds first fringed foliaged Heuchera. Here presented by proud breeder Neil Alcock. A 2021 Chelsea introduction.🚨Game Changers Alert Numero 7!🚨
You must have heard me before about this one, I believe it's a game changer for the next decade! Here is the brand new collection of the Mad about Mangave program. These are totally game changers! A breeding program from Hans Hansen of Walter Gardens who is the proud breeder of these beauties. These Mangave varieties are intergeneric hybrids which inherits the best of its parents. Manfreda x Agave = Mangave. Agave lends durability and large, architectural form. Manfreda gives unique coloring and spotting, as well as softer spines that make them easy to handle. I have been waiting several years before introducing them in Europe. After testing and testing finally they become available! In the Netherlands at FN Kempen, Son&Koot nurseries. In Italy by Matteo Ragni. In France & Spain by Globeplanter.
"I have tested them at various locations. What i have experienced is that they are super easy! I'm working a lot since that is my passion so many times i forgot to water my plants. With these Mangaves they are forgivable plants. One time i forgot to water for 8 weeks! And after that THEY STILL THEY LOOK PRETTY! A sunny spot is needed because when i planted into a shady spot, the color fades away but HEY! Even than it still looks pretty. In the winter i bring them inside and use them as indoor plants. Basicly you can also use them as indoor plants in spring, summer and autumn too. Watersaving plants that are totally easy! 😎How cool is that?"

This is me, Peter Van Rijssen